Tired and happy

January 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night’s fundraiser with Congressman Julían Castro (see edit below) was the most financially successful fundraiser in Fort Bend County Democratic history. Final numbers aren’t in yet but it looks great. Plus, everybody dolled-up at the country club and had fun. Congressman Castro was energetic, funny, and inspiring. Congressman Al Green’s financial and moral support made it all possible.

Now I’m going to sit in a recliner for a full day and ask Bubba to rub my feet.

This is half the room before everybody got there.


And as they were arriving —


Talk among yourselves while I rest.

ON EDIT:  Ho Boy, was I ever tired when I wrote this.  Congressman Joaquín Castro was our guest.  Julían is the Mayor of San Antonio.

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0 Comments to “Tired and happy”

  1. Hope you made a million. Wonder if mention was made of the names Stockman, Christie or Huckabee. You know, those Repugs who keep on giving to the Democrats.

  2. Maybe John McCain will come join us soon. I read where the Arizona Republican party censured him today for being “too liberal.” That’s gotta hurt…

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    John “invade ’em even if you can’t locate them on a map” McCain is too squishy for the Tea Bags. Holy Gohmerts!

    Time for Bubba to have a break, too. Buy him a pair of these to massage your feet. Best gift you’ll ever buy him for yourself. Enjoy! http://www.amazon.com/Nukkles-Easy-Massage-Tools-colors/dp/B000287SL4

    Go Blue Texas!

  4. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    Congrats on a wonderful event!

  5. Dreamroper says:

    JJ: Congrats on the fundraiser, however, Julian Castro is the mayor of San Antonio and his twin brother, Joaquin, is one of the congressmen from this area.

  6. Did anyone else see gov Goodhair on the tv machine talking about decriminalizing MaryJane……or was I finally just having one of those flashbacks I was promised from my misspent youth?

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Y’all done well. Dig out that big ol’ bowl you never use and fill it with hot water and epsom salts and soak your feet while you sip a glass of wine. OR something. And read a dumb novel.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Oh, and smile. And nobody cares if you nod off a bit.

  9. JJ, that was good news for everyone everywhere! I am also seeing vim, vigor and vitality in Virginia Dems. And I bet it was warm where you were!

  10. I am jealous. It looks beautiful.
    Have a good day. And a nice foot rub.

  11. No cooking either, JJ … let Bubba bring in some take-out!
