Time Machine Needed

June 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I need a time machine.  I need to go back to 1912 and vote against annexing Arizona.  I promise to return the time machine in good shape and America in even better shape.

Alan Korwin: Birther Slave

According to a Scottsdale gun-law author, the word “birther” is a derogatory term “equivalent of the ‘N’ word.”

Perhaps it’s not surprising to hear something a bit nuts coming from the author of After You Shoot: Your Gun’s Hot. The Perp’s Not. Now What?, but Alan Korwin actually got this on the East Valley Tribune and Arizona Republic websites.

Well, of course “birther” is just like the N word because the term “birther” discriminates against a whole race of people who were enslaved, brought unwillingly to this country, treated savagely, split apart from their families, and are continuously discriminated against to this day by people who so heavily resent having an N word President that they deny even his birthright to hold the office because his birth certifi …. whoa.  Hold on a minute.

Never mind.

Thanks to Ralph and Bea for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Time Machine Needed”

  1. There is a massive vortex of crazy in that state.

  2. “According to a Scottsdale gun-law author, the word “birther” is a derogatory term “equivalent of the ‘N’ word.” well…

    sorry Momma..

    who the hell would have thought???

    Maybe people in Arizona stay too long in the sun???


  3. Marge Wood says:

    I’m curious. How many “birther” states are there? How many delegates do they hold to the asstd. national conventions?

  4. Bud Malone says:

    A good history read.

  5. Well, calling someone a birther DOES imply that they’re butt-ignorant, so I guess that’s kind of insulting, though true.

  6. gidget commando says:

    Aw, darn, JJ, you beat me to it.

  7. Awesome, Juanita!! Good grief–you just CAN’T make this stuff up!! So sick of these racists!

  8. The controversy over the fact that a certificate of live birth is not a birth certificate, look at the one Romney released recently.


    What’s the difference?

    And Romney’s father faced this same issue because he was born in Mexico.

  9. After all, it’s not as though anyone chooses to be a birther. Oh, wait. I guess I’m thinking of blacks, gays, women, etc.

  10. daChipster says:

    Birther, please!

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    According to the Arizona Republic website Korwin is the uninvited ombudsman who covers stories as they “ought” to be read. The quotation marks are his. Substitue “Big Brother” for ombudsman and it pretty well explains this creep.

    Todays birthers are the spiritual and pathological descendants of the the George Wallace Democrats we battled in the 70’s. As a Democratic precinct chair and election judge I watched them evolve from Wallace Democrats to Regan Republicans. Cigarettes and bad diet thinned out the ones we used to know, but their kinship with the present gaggle of racist poltroons is unmistakable.

  12. I would like the birthers explain to me why Romney’s “certificate of live birth” is differnt from the birth certificate posted by the Obama campaign in 2008. The only difference between the two documents is that one is from a very very white person and the other document is from President Obama

  13. Kyle, I guess we are supposed to know that Romney is severely American thus any of his documentation is not to be questioned (or our patriotism will be questioned).
