Tim Pawlenty

May 23, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Children who are victims of failed personal responsibility are not my problem, nor are they the problem for our government.” — Majority Leader Tim Pawlenty, April 2001 – as quoted in the Aitkin Independent Newspaper

“What a cockamamie crock of cow confetti.  Good Lord, this guy makes a hornet look cuddly,” Juanita says with amazement this morning.

“As we say in Texas, ‘Just because his breath smells like bananas don’t mean he’s Tarzan,'” she begins.  “And just because Pawlenty is the next Republican at bat for Presidential consideration don’t mean he’s Presidential material.  They don’t have a deep bench, you know.”

“Even Fox News jumped all over him for saying that President Barack Obama wear Depends.  What the hell kind of thing to say is that?  It’s not even clever.  It’s just third grade humor.  What’s he gonna do if he’s President?  Say that Netanyahu eats paste?”

“Y’all,” she says with exasperation, “this is the guy who Sarah Palin beat out for McCain’s running mate.  How bad do you have to be to lose to Sarah Palin?”

Juanita says she’s willing to start a betting pool on how long he lasts.  She’s betting on longer than Noot, maybe.

(Okay, okay, I know it’s silly to make fun of someone’s name, but, cripes, we’ve run out of things to make fun of him about.  Newt has been through the whole list.)

Lookie what Carl found.

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