
February 13, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Classified Documents, Uncategorized

Last month, TFG’s document problem went from bad to worse.  Breaking over the weekend, multiple news organizations are reporting that TFG’s attorneys have turned over more documents marked Classified to the FBI.  Along with those documents, they also turned over a laptop and thumb drive that contained classified documents scanned by a TFG aide who worked for the Save America PAC.  There’s only one reason for a non-government employee (especially one who works for a political PAC) to be scanning classified documents onto privately owned digital media – to sell it or use it for political leverage.  Of course, TFG’s lawyers said that the scanning of those documents was “inadvertent” and that the aide wasn’t aware the documents were classified, which doesn’t pass the straight-faced test.  Of course he/she knew they were classified, but in the end, that doesn’t matter…possessing and copying ANY government document not rightfully possessed or public is illegal.

To me this is the smoking gun that shows intent.  TFG stole, hoarded, hid, moved, and lied about the government documents that were recklessly taken and then mismanaged for over a year and a half.  Now that we know that he had an aide copying those documents clearly shows what he intended (or already did) to do with those documents – use them for his own benefit.

C’mon, Merrick, how much more evidence do you need?  Let’s get on with it.

0 Comments to “Thumbdrivegate”

  1. And Trump was using an empty classified document folder to block the light from his landline phone next to his bed so he could sleep. That’s the only thing keeping him awake at night? Not his conscience, that’s for sure.

  2. Nick Carraway says:

    Nothing will happen. Each individual legal jurisdiction has enough to move forward with an indictment. New York? Georgia? The Feds? Hell maybe even Florida. The GOP? Each one wants someone else to do it. They are like three fielders watching an easy pop up drop in between them. They just hope he dies, goes away, or that he will get beat. Profiles in cowardice.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I totally agree with Nick. Teflon donnie has been doing this his whole life and only settles a few things with money he grifts from others. That’s really what his PACs have been doing- paying his legal fees and settlements (which makes his aid’s ties to his save America pac such blatant corruption). I hope I’m wrong but the clock is ticking down and those that could change that are just fumbling the ball down the road. No one wants to be the first to jump on it, and Garland kind of hangs back in the shadows shuddering.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    Keith Olbermann has a good opening essay on his podcast this morning on this very topic and names the people who owned the laptop and thumb drive, and potentially who “owns” those people!

  5. When Nixon walked for his crimes, it set the precedent.
    It let them know they could get away with it.
    The etymology of “privilege” explains it all.

  6. It’s Jack Smith who is handling all of this, not Merrick Garland.

  7. All being done for blobby to stay in the spotlight .
