Throngs of Nearly a Dozen!

March 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wisconsin Freshman Republican Congressman Glenn Grothman has been in Congress for six weeks, has met President Obama, and has some idea for making American great.

… he told a crowd of 10 people at Oshkosh City Hall that he’s eager to dig into challenges like welfare abuse, immigration and cutting federal spending.

“The three biggest problems that have be solved are welfare, the debt and our ridiculous immigration system where we’re becoming the welfare magnet for the western hemisphere,” Grothman said.

Because nobody knows more about immigration than some guy in Wisconsin.

cand191285I have been told that there is a Hispanic person in Wisconsin but I cannot imagine why.

As far as welfare abuse, Grothman has a solution.

Grothman said he hears stories about seemingly able-bodied people receiving disability payments, Social Security payments and Food Share benefits. He told the people in attendance to keep an eye on the types of things people on Food Share buy at the grocery store or ask people for more information if they boast about being on disability.

Oh yes!  That’s what we need!  We need the grocery store check-out police making citizen’s arrests.

And hunt down those folks who are disabled because Lord knows they’re living in a mansion boasting about pulling down $733 a month.

And, dammit, we citizens need to start making people prove they are over 65 when they ask for the senior discount, no matter how thick their glasses or how their walkers roll.

Yeah, what’s wrong with this country is that we are not mean enough to grandpa, crippled people, and poor people.  Sic ‘um, Glenn!

Thanks to Mike and Larry for the heads up.

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