Three Amigos

September 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


On the highway between here and Austin at a Mexican Restaurant …




A Plethora of Piñatas.

In case you forgot ….


Thanks to Bubba for turning around so I could get the picture.


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0 Comments to “Three Amigos”

  1. Ay, caramba! Perfecto!

  2. I must shop to find a similar piñata locally, like down the street here in my Mexicano neighborhood.

    Was that giant cactus (saguaro?) in the background and appearing to rise from his crotch, a mistake? I think not.

  3. I want one to beat the crap out of. I don’t care if there’s anything in it. I just want to pound on that slimy bastard with a very big softball bat. I get excited just thinking about it. Ooooooo. Ooooo. Oooooooo. I don’t wanna stop. Again, again! More!

  4. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I think I would be afraid to find out what happens when someone breaks open the Trump pinata. (Don’t know how to make the wiggly over the n…)

  5. I wanna know when my taco truck is setting up on my corner; I’m hungry!!!

    Guac the Vote for HRC/Tim Kaine 2016!!

  6. I want one with a sound chip inside so it gives off some of his moronic comments until I smash it into silence (except for a lot more smashing noises).

    There’s a place on I-95 at the South Carolina line called South of the Border, a big tourist trap with tacky and offensive Mexican kitsch, and endless stupid-pun billboards of their mascot Pedro along the highway. Somebody said he was so sick of the place before he got there that he bought a little Pedro doll and a firecracker and introduced them to each other in the parking lot. I’m thinking a big firecracker for this piñata. No, two– one in the mouth and one where he keeps his head.

    Elizabeth Moon, I make the tilde over the ñ on my Mac by hitting Option at the same time as the n, and the n again. Also works for the cedilla on the ç.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Wait a minute…. I got the green meanie out front, but those blond things are Trump pinatas? They are way too cute. Too cute by half. Obviously the creators have yet to see a pic of him. And too thin.

  8. Damn! I want the piñata pic to go viral! Obviously the Trumpites don’t know about this and the surge in piñata purchases wherever these are sold. This should bust their smug bubble on the “Hispanic outreach” Trump is doing (????).

  9. JAKvirginia, that would be a good use for those nude Trump statues, except for gods’ sake put some clothes on them first.

  10. Tacos and pinatas! Sounds like a great big ole anti-Drumpf party to me. We don’ need no steenkeen Donald!

  11. We need a big ole basket to put the pinatas in then label it — The Original Basket of Deplorables.
