Those Who Know The Least Are The Loudest

February 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It involves sex, so here come the priests.

The nation’s Roman Catholic bishops are in a difficult position as the debate over immigration reform gets underway: The immigrant-built American church, known for advocating a broad welcome for migrants and refugees, could end up opposing reform because it would recognize same-sex partners.

In a letter that remains secret because “of the sensitivity of the issue,” the Catholic Bishops let President Obama know that  “recognition of gay couples in the president’s reform proposals ‘jeopardizes passage of the bill’.”

Oh cool.  Now they wear dresses and have secrets.  They’ve become the Klan.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think they should be talking about gay

Stone, meet glass house.  One more time:  The Catholic Church should be the last damn place on earth lecturing other people about sexual preferences.  The last damn place.

Will there also be a restriction on people who had hoochy for fun and not procreation?  Fornicators?  Adulterers?  Cross dressers?

Let me tell you something NOT a secret and horribly insensitive  – you’re fixing to upset me.  I am tired of my country acting on your religious dictates.  If you do not want to marry a gay person, then don’t. Be a self satisfied judgmental hateful meanie.  That’s fine, but don’t make me be one.

Well, that got my blood a’pumpin’ this morning.

Thanks to Bernard for the heads up.

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