Those Wacky Pauls!

October 26, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“You know, when you do not believe in regular Darwinism, but you do believe in social Darwinism where only the fittest should survive, stomping on people’s heads ain’t a stretch.”  Juanita is talking about the Rand Paul supporter who stomped on a woman’s head yesterday.

“Apparently, Paul’s supporters were acting like overheated hell with outraged that a woman – a woman! – had an opinion so they beat the crap outta her,” Juanita says.  “I mean, think about it.  How little does your winkie have to be to stomp on the head of an unarmed woman while she’s on the ground?  I’ll tell you how small – the little end of nothing whittled to a point.  Poco Pecko, that’s how small.”

“We are warning women to put on their spike heels to go Rand Paul meetings.  If there’s gonna be head-stompin’, it’ll be met with butt kickin’.  Painful butt kicking.”

Juanita imagines that there are people out there who are thinking, “well, Rand Paul didn’t actually do this himself.”  No, but he drove the get-away car.

“Y’all, we cannot encourage these people.  They will just keep multiplying and trying their damnest to put Ayn Rand on Mt. Rushmore.  They already pretty much want to repeal the Constitution,” she says.

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