This Will Make You Feel Dizzy

December 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a group of steeple people in Kentucky who are furious that the government is discriminating against them by punishing them for discriminating.

Yeah, my head hurts.  But, the story is cool.

Ark-encounter1-680x425These guys are building Noah’s Ark in Kentucky.  They feel that it will be a great tourist attraction.  Who knows?  People go to Dollyworld.  Need I say more?

So, they set themselves up as a non-profit and applied for $18 million in tax incentives from the good people of Kentucky.

One problem.  They will only hire you to work there if you are a fundamentalist Christian.

Stewart explains that their application will not go forward because the state will not grant incentives to a company that openly intends to discriminate in hiring based on religion, saying it is a violation of the state constitution for these incentives to be used to advance religion.

Let the whining begin!

The mastermind of this park, Ken Ham, says he’s being persecuted.

Ken Ham penned a fundraising letter last week claiming the governor is launching a “massive attack” on their religious freedom and persecuting his organization “because of our Christian message.”

Okay, grab ahold of something because the spin is fixing to get wild.

Ham decided to take to the power of a fundraising letter!  Of damn course.  His letter says —

But as is clear settled law, churches and other religious organizations are allowed to hire employees who agree with their religious viewpoint!

Who would have ever thought that such governmental interference would come to America!

Wait!  Wait!  You can hired whoever you want, but you – who is asking for $18 million from the damn government! – is whining about government interference?

Wait!  Wait!  I thought y’all were the people who believe in free markets.

Dude, climb down off your cross of greed.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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