This Will Give You Hope

March 27, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Flamethrower

AOC tore up the GOP yesterday on climate change.  This warms my heart.

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0 Comments to “This Will Give You Hope”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Now, for the rest of the Democrats in Congress to embrace AOC’s efforts to talk sense to the Cons. Those ‘fiscal conservatives’ need to be educated to what things cost, especially neglect. Use Flint, MI as a prime example of the long term costs of polluted water and the health care prognosis for those babies and children who were exposed to the poisons of Republicon ‘policy.’ We cannot separate health care and the environment from the national budget. Total it up to show them what trashing Medicaid and early childhood programs now will do to the workforce and medical costs 10-20 years from now. Take the Cons to a few VA hospitals to show the actual costs of endless war. As AOC has shown a ten year plan ten years from now will be too late to reverse the course of criminal neglect.

    Hey old folk voters, you blew a chance to make this right back in the 70s when it would have been cheaper and easier. But it’s not too late to redeem yourselves. Vote. And take your children and grandchildren with you to vote.

  2. Incredible erudition by a former waitress. Makes me wonder how many other firebrands are toiling in menial jobs who should be the primary voices in the our government.

    The Grand Old Prevaricators for their part, came up with this:

    “The measure went down 57-0, because Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) only brought it to the floor as a stunt for Republicans to mock it, which is why Democrats voted present en masse. Even though 80 percent of Americans support most of the key measures in the Green New Deal.

  3. McTurtle is a spiteful, power hungry old fart. I guess the reason he is so long lived, is that devil is afraid he’d take over hell if died.

    I really like AOC. We need more like her. My only fear is that all of the GOP old farts will have to voted out or die before the US can move toward policies that address climate change, environmental pollution, quality health care and education.

  4. should be: “if he died”

  5. megasoid says:

    @Papa 4 They’re not whistling past the graveyard, They’re chirping inside the mausoleum.

  6. maryelle says:

    Republican stupid is demoralizing and exhausting.
    They will be the death of us.

  7. so much is made of AOC’s past as a waitress (she does so herself). she is a highly intelligent woman with a degree from a very good Univ (betting she got there on merit and hard work not bribery). i hope that she can take her intelligence and passion and match it with some political savvy. no need to become grandma but she must not discount the huge amount she needs to learn from pelosi & other experienced accomplished legislators from both sides (for sure learn from the ones that have gotten bills passed!). relationship building skills are critical to any legislator.

  8. I just set up a monthly recurring campaign donation to her.

  9. megasoid says:

    It is a given that menial jobs that are held by University grads in the so called “gig” economy which is a euphemism for not finding employment in your career field. AOC was inspired greatly because of her admiration of Bernie Sander’s campaign. Her ability to fence with the worst lunkheads of politics also comes from her street savvy. She knows she’s treading water in the party of incremental issues, moderate and ossified platforms and candidates who are NOT progressive but just borrowing the nametag.

    I am a huge fan and I thoroughly believe she can handle herself in just about any situation.

  10. OK. I am the first to admit that I am indeed old. I remember

  11. My computer is in rebellion today. Yes, I remember FDR and the Republican response to the majority of his policies and programs. There is something about this Green New Deal that reminds me of oh, say the National Recovery Act and even the Civilian Conservation Corps. But what really gets my attention in Alexandria’s idea is a four letter word: JOBS. I knew someone who was in the CCC. It saved his life and his family. It also led to a college education and a decent job for the rest of his life.

  12. Old Fart says:

    *Of course* there are legions of intelligent and articulate people in menial service jobs. They followed the directions of intellectual dedication to get ahead, and got stuck by not knowing the right people, or presaging the desired requirements for getting hired in other industries. That doesn’t make them less worthy of respect.

    Speaking of which, remember to tip well, it really could be an investment in the future…
