This Weekend. UPDATED

August 03, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The reason you haven’t heard from me is that I’m in San Antonio at the Texas Democratic County Chairs Association Summer Workshop.

Every Texan has two homes – where they live and San Antonio.

Here I am with Mayor Julian Castro and Bubba.


And here is Bubba with Wendy Davis.


I like you guys but as you can tell, I am having way too much fun.

UPDATE:  Wendy announced on San Antonio radio on Saturday that she will have an announcement of her plans “in a couple of weeks a message they want to hear.”

That sounds good to me.

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0 Comments to “This Weekend. UPDATED”

  1. With a great mayor like Julian Castro, I sure understand why you like to spend time in San Antonio!

  2. Abo gato says:

    As a San Antonian, I have to say that Julian rocks!

  3. buskyandme says:

    You go girl!

  4. TexasEllen says:

    You are surrounded by lovely people that should be hugged! Enjoy!

  5. Umptydump says:

    You’re having fun? So’s Bubba!

  6. Go you, Bubba, and Wendy. May the world get better.

  7. And the Castros.

  8. Julian Castro and Wendy Davis…there might be hope for Texas yet!

  9. Bud Malone says:

    Fine upstanding beautiful people with a noble cause.

  10. RepubAnon says:

    On a somewhat unrelated note – you know how Governor Perry is always talking about how corporations don’t have to worry about intrusive government actions in Texas? Here’s an interesting “compare and contract” moment on intrusive government behaviors for persons that aren’t corporations:

    The first video was graphic enough. Two women, as shown in a Texas state trooper’s dash cam recording, are probed in their vaginas and rectums by a glove-wearing female officer after a routine traffic stop near Dallas.
    A few days later, a second video surfaced. It was an eerily similar scenario, but this time the traffic stop was just outside Houston, and with different troopers. Two women, pulled over for allegedly speeding, are subjected to body cavity searches by a female officer summoned to the scene by a male trooper.

    Read more:

  11. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    Jealous! Great that you’re there. They’re in good company 🙂

  12. fenway fran says:

    I had people in the tasting room from San Antonio on Friday afternoon. They were awesome! I felt bonded to you. And jealous, of course. Hanging out with hope for the future of TX and the nation. Keep up the good work.

  13. Would love to see Castro as governor and Wendy as a U.S. Senator! Not a pipe dream! I believe this can happen and in this old lady’s lifetime!

  14. Enjoy! Yes, Maggie!

  15. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Love the pics with Julian Castro and Wendy Davis. Is that a little twinkle in Bubba’s eye? Focus, Bubba, focus!

  16. aggieland liz says:

    Hee hee, Lorraine, I spied that little twinkle in Bubba’s eyes too! Who shall blame him – here he is, married to and/or just hangin’ with two of the smartest most dedicated women in the room, and, in fact, the state! He oughta be pleased!

  17. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @aggieland liz Shhh….don’t tell JuanitaJeanHerOwnSelf, but I think Bubba is kinda cute too. And smart. After all, he married JJ!

  18. *Grinning from ear to ear.* You are rock stars–all of you!

  19. 2HelenaHandbasket says:

    Maggie: “Would love to see Castro as governor and Wendy as a U.S. Senator! Not a pipe dream! I believe this can happen and in this old lady’s lifetime!”

    Yeah!! What Maggie says!! And aggieland liz, too!!

  20. Great Dems down in Texas! Thanks for the pix!

  21. I can’t decide which I’m most jealous of: JJ and Bubba, or Julian and Wendy. Wish I were lucky enough to get hugs from, or give hugs to, all of any of them!

  22. Watch national political news closely. Julian & Wendy are upcoming stars. Wish I could say the same thing up here in Badgerland. JJ, you & Bubba are awesome!

  23. LongRider says:

    If Wendy Davis declares she’s running for Gov, this Nevadan has a $20 bill with her campaign’s name on it.

    Go Wendy! With JJ and Bubba to help you, ya can’t go wrong. 🙂

  24. Aggieland liz says:

    @ Carlos, waves of sympathy sent your way!! Y’all will get rid of “mr right to work” Walker, just like we are getting rid of Perry! Hope you have someone wonderful waiting in the wings! We, of course, are in Abbott’s crosshairs attm, and you know, we LIKE crooks in Texas! We elected Bill Clements TWICE!! Surely you guys will do better than that! We can too!! Here’s to Wendy, a lady of brains, grit, and determination!

  25. Aggieland liz says:

    Oops, sorry Carlo, my smartphone (!!) corrected (?!) your name and I didn’t catch it! Because I use the Spanish function as an alternate language, it just KNEW I meant “Carlos!” Ye gods!

  26. I’m with LongRider on Wendy for Governor of Texas. I’d send $20+ if she decides to do it.

    We have a very smart Democratic woman who is running for Chambliss Saxby’s seat here in Georgia. Hope to send the message out to all Independents like me – get behind Michelle Nunn (daughter of Sam Nunn) to improve the U.S. Senate.

  27. Diane Woods says:

    I would LOVE to see Wendy Davis announce that she’s going to run for Governor. There are a lot of ReTHUGliscum men in Texas politics who fear her. They cower like 9 year old boys when she speaks! And that’s a GOOD thing. ;-}
