This ‘Splains a Whole Lot

June 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, to be perfectly honest, I’m getting real scared to go to the doctor in Texas.  It appears that none of them took anatomy, physiology, or the birds and the bees.

Texas State Sen. Bob Deuell, who says he is a board certified family physician, announced in the senate debate that “accurate intercourse” was necessary for pregnancy.  According to State Rep. Dawnna Dukes:



Not to be indelicate (mainly because Momma is reading this), but accurate intercourse is an odd term.  Would it require target practice?  A tattooed bull’s eye perhaps?  Or maybe a teacher standing by to grade it?

I suspect this is not as easy as you would expect which explains, of course, why there are more cows in Texas than people.  Because it’s a whole lotta bull, ya know.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

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