This Is What Happens When You De-Fund The Arts

February 28, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, singing in the key of Q.


The GOP talent pool is shallow and it’s shrinking.


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0 Comments to “This Is What Happens When You De-Fund The Arts”

  1. Call me twisted, but the constant change in pitch sounds like someone who needs to poop,,,,,,badly

  2. CU In Tenn says:

    Oh my god.

  3. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Sorry…I’m cracking up here. We have MUCH better singing for the national anthem at our little ole county convention! ROFLMAO

  4. Elizabeth2 says:

    I lost track of the key changes after the first six or seven.

  5. sybil wertheim says:

    she’s no Lady Gaga!

  6. Howzabout Lady Gagger

  7. treehugger says:

    Maybe she was really nervous…? How embarrassing.

  8. treehugger says:

    Oh, but I did find this from Daily KOS. Scroll down to the video of Larry the piano guy trying to keep up with her. I was cryin’.

  9. Bless her heart. Poor thing.

  10. I’ll bet the Orange Moron is still wondering why the real celebrities won’t perform at QGOP functions.

  11. slipstream says:


  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’m sorry but I have no sympathy for this “poor” girl. Nervous or not, she knew it was CPAC. Considering the audience, it fit. Seriously off key. Wondering what the national anthem means to those people.
    Also, the pledge of allegiance that came just before her- they’re pledging allegiance to Trumpf, not our country.

  13. Ballerinabear says:

    I guess Roseanne wasn’t available, so they went for second best. It probably drove the roaches and rats from the building.
    May have sterilized some of the attendees. We can only hope.

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    It should be a triumphal song, not a dirge; however that may be how CPACers see our country.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Just accidentally watched a bit of Trumpf’s cpac rant. Let me clarify that when cpac pledges allegiance to the flag, they’re pledging allegiance to the most despicable human being currently in earth. I also saw a couple seconds of the ted cruzer, maybe the 2nd most despicable human in earth, but #2 has a lot runners up in contention.

  16. OMFG, that woman has to know that she is tone deaf,….wait…is that something that a tone deaf person is doomed to be unaware of? How about the auditioners? They had to be tone deaf, too.
    This fits right in with the frequent spelling errors in the White house press briefings when Trump was in office. It all smacks of profound incompetence.

  17. I made it through 1:06 minutes. Yowl…!

  18. TWA. That. Was. Awful. Elizabeth2, I gave up on counting the key changes. Pathetic, really. It likely had any decent voice teacher writhing in pain.

  19. They’re never gonna run out of the best people, are they?

  20. BarbinDC. Nah the orange one was probably rating her on the 1 to 10 scale

  21. @Scott @16,
    I’m tone deaf and I know it. I can hear when I am off-key, but can’t figure out how to fix it. I mostly try to not sing too loud.

  22. john in denver says:

    I bailed out, unable to stand it.

    The young woman has a nice tone and enunciation: I have NO idea what she’s doing with pitch, or why she wanted to perform without accompaniment.

  23. Apologies – ouch .

  24. I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but I know better than to sing in public.

  25. Nick Carraway says:

    The hard part for any singer is knowing their limitations. I tried out for our pop show in high school and my performance was absolutely dreadful and I knew it immediately. I’m a much better blender than solo artist. It’s hard for me to bag on this poor girl. I tend to follow “for the grace of God go I” philosophy.

    So, I’ll spare this poor young woman and focus on the overall event. The performance is reflective of the quality of the event. It’s like any other service I might pay for. If I pay my plumber five bucks I should expect my plumbing to break in 3, 2, 1. Who knows how this poor young woman got on the stage. Maybe there was no one else. Maybe she volunteered and sounded okay in rehearsal. I feel bad for her.

  26. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Nick#25, I’d have felt badly for her if she hadn’t hung on to the top note so long, apparently quite proud of herself. And then people actually cheered.

    We have watched the end of Western Civilization as we know it.

  27. Paraphrasing Leo Kotke, her singing sounds like goose farts on a muggy day.

  28. oldymoldy says:

    well, that was, erm… interesting‽ In a sort of “floks‘ll do most anything for a little notoriety” kind’a way.
    The white booties were a nice addition.

  29. Probably the relative of a well-connected republican. Where else can you probably earn $50K** in two minutes? Looking forward to her first “book”.

    ** campaign expensed

  30. Oh dear, that was just hideous. Please fund the arts properly so they can hire some proper talent.

  31. Per Red State (via Kos);

    “…sung straight up…no “artistic interpretation,” …”

    Can’t argue with Red State on this one.

  32. Buttermilk Sky says:

    John in Denver, she had to sing unaccompanied. The only instrument that could match her is the Theramin.

    There are three more verses. We got lucky.

  33. Good Lord! More key changes than the clock-winder at Buckingham Palace! Our national anthem usually brings a tear to my eye, but, in this instance, for totally different reasons. That whizzing sound you hear is Francis Scott Key spinning in his grave singing “look what they’ve done to my song, ma!” WTF!
    But she did sing it with all the fake piety of a hymn in a megachurch. Leni Riefenstahl is probably whining that she didn’t live long enough to document our own long flirtation with fascism, especially since the 21st-century version has better props and a golden calf (or should that be sacred cow?)

  34. The Surly Professor says:

    I can’t sing at all (what is this “key” everyone keeps talking about; does it have something to do with Francis Scott?), but she’s obviously someone conservative drone’s daughter. Trump would never have selected her – she’d need more bleach for the hair, and plastic surgery for both face and chest to meet his “standards”.

    But oldymoldy’s comment made me watch it again, with sound off. Where those actually hippy boots she was wearing? And they did not boo her for it?

  35. Who are you to tell us what key(s) to sing in? That little girl has a Frist Amemdnent Right to sing the anthem in whatever key or keys she wants to. How do you know Francis Scott Keys didn’t sing it like this – were you there? FAKE CRITICISM!

  36. The Surly Professor says:

    Just found out. The “singer” is Sailor Sabol, a University of Central Florida freshman and member of the school’s College Republican group.

    … and I learned that because it’s swamping Twitter. E.g, “sung in the key of Q”, and “no one noticed because everyone there is notoriously tone-deaf”.

    Since her parents named her “Sailor”, I guess it’s safe to assume those are her mother’s old hippy boots.

  37. At least she didn’t try to jump up a fifth when she sang ‘free’ and instead held it out unnecessarily long, so I’ll give her credit for that…

    Then again, if she changed key once more, she could have done that, too.

  38. maryelle says:

    As a retired music teacher, I feel obligated to say that the people who put her on display like that were extremely cruel.
    Off key singers must be dealt with honestly as they cannot hear
    how dreadful they sound. This girl may have been able to improve by practicing with and performing with a strong accompanist, but definitely not singing a cappella.
    But cruelty is the Republican m.o.

  39. Sweet Jesus! Nazi symbols and a German polka version of The Star Strangled Banner by Francis Scott Off-Key!

  40. Just catching up on what I missed in the past few weeks, and made the mistake of clicking on that … that performance. 4 of my 5 cats jumped off the couch and hid in the kitchen.
    I think the other one is deaf. Or a Republican.
