This Is How You Know …

September 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

… that all the gay stylists and all the seamstresses in China deeply hate you.



Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “This Is How You Know …”

  1. I have heard about babies who were found under a cabbage leaf, but this is the first time I have actually seen the result.

  2. I’m surprised that bugs aren’t trying to eat that outfit.

  3. Vegetable. Fashion. Victim.

    (Someone please tell me this is photoshopped.) Please . . . . . . I know it is because no one who cared—even a little, would allow her to stand there looking like a human/plant science accident.

  4. 1. Hairdo looks like she did it herself in the bathroom with bad lighting and dull scissors.

    2. What is that thing she’s wearing??? I don’t fault the underpaid, overworked children working in the sweatshop where that ghastly whatever-it-is was put together, but the bonehead who “designed” it. Possbily even Ivankadonk herself.

    (Then again, I have not seen one of her “career girl” outfirst that she wears as advertising which looked anything but ill-fitting and tacky, Melanoma, for all her weird taste in much of her clothing, at least puts on stuff that seems to fit and appears to be well-made.)

  5. WA Skeptic says:

    It’s not often I feel sorry for a Trump, but I have to admit this is that time.

  6. Fred Farklestone says:

    Who is the “dead women standing” to the right of Trump?”

  7. Today, “Little Shop of Horrors,” tomorrow “Miss Saigon”? As a friend said, “We are already halfway into ‘Springtime for Hitler’!”

  8. Dayam! That’s isn’t Mike Dense’s wife in that religious concubine style dress with bad hair, is it?

  9. ROFLMAO!!

    Dear God – she looks like the Brussels sprouts in a grade school play!

    Thanks so much – we needed that.

  10. It seems the wind blew and her sleeves made her a human plant.

    Don’t know why this interested me except
    maybe the fact that Ivanka was posing and had to leave this country to check on Columbia’s migrants. I guess no one told her we are abusing thousands of them at our own southern border.

  11. Ivanka looks like Sister Bertril in “The Flying Nun.”

  12. You’d think with all that money she would find someone who knows how to dress people for public display.

    IIRC, drapery weights are shown into clothes worn by British royalty so this crap doesn’t happen to them.

    But, Ivanka probably thinks she knows it all, so no help is needed.

  13. Can’t wait for Gwyneth Paltrow to play her in the mash-up of Evita, Imelda Marcos, Cruella DeVille and Clueless.

  14. SteveTheReturned says:


  15. Sam in Superior says:

    Given her qualifications for any post, I think we could refer to her as The Flying None.

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Couldn’t put my finger on it at first. Then I realized it’s based on the Shadow Waltz costumes for one of those Busby Berkeley dance numbers. Comes with a violin that lights up.

    Try this:

  17. The Surly Professor says:

    Buttermilk Sky: you left off the real connection with Ivanka: it’s the Shadow Waltz … by the Gold Diggers.

  18. Makes the lady in the pink sack look downright elegant.

  19. sybil wertheim says:

    love love the Busby Berkeley numbers. they always make me happy. thank you Mr. Professor!!
    but hate to have them connected to the you know who’s

  20. Reminds me of one of these:

  21. I think you’re coming at this the wrong way. Maybe this really IS her taste.

    OR — maybe she lost a bet.

  22. to Rich Rich in Fla 21:
    OMG, ya got me!
    I checked your link, then scrolled up — twice — to make sure it wasn’t The Onion. Then I got to the bottom of the article and noticed who the author was.

    OK, got it now — it just took a while.

  23. slipstream says:

    Wow! What drugs was Busby Berkeley taking?
