This Has Simply Got to Stop

December 14, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe

A 7 year-old girl died in Border Patrol detention yesterday, apparently from dehydration and hunger.  This tragedy came to light almost immediately after a story reported by NPR revealed that 15,000 immigrant kids are being held in detention and that facilities are full.  What we are witnessing live on national television and on the net is nothing short of massive crimes against humanity by a lawless administration while invertebrate Republicans in control Congress do NOTHING to stop this continuing violation of US and international human rights laws.

I’ve had just about enough of this shit which goes virtually unnoticed, buried in the blizzard of reality television tweets and the outrageous lies spewing from Trump’s mouth in continuous volcanic eruptions.  While he lies to cover up felonies committed by himself and his cronies, our government, along with our society, is dying from this cancer that is being negligently allowed to metastasize and threaten our very survival.

It’s long past time for the Congress to get off its collective ass and do its goddam job.  I have no hope for the Senate, at least yet, but the House Dems, led by Nancy Pelosi, can at least throw out an anchor to slow our careening government from slamming into Trump’s giant wall (not the one on the border, but the one of lies he’s constructed in DC).

Enough is enough.

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