This Explains Donald Trump

March 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so voting is a good thing.  Unless you let people do it.

You would think that after a bridge in Hungry (yes, I know is Hungary. I was tired when I wrote this and … well, hungry.)  it’s named The Stephen Colbert bridge by popular internet vote, even the British would understand that letting the internet vote on things is a bad idea.

But, no.

A state of the art ship funded by the UK government for polar research may soon be christened “Boaty McBoatface” if online voters get their way.

In Hungry, they decided to ignore the will of the people and name the bridge after someone the powers that be liked better.

I’m pretty sure that the same will hold true for the Republican National Convention.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.


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