This Dude Is So Slick That He Can’t Keep His Socks Up
Good Ole Aaron Schock is flying his Republican colors again.
First there was decorating his office at taxpayer expense to look like a London brothel, then there was taking his entire staff to New York City for a first class weekend and having you foot the bill, next was that he misreported an expense as “software,” when in fact he spent it on a private plane ride to a Chicago Bears game, and now …
He took his personal photographer on a trip to India and failed to report it.
Schock appears to have improperly accepted money from an outside group to cover travel expenses for a companion on a trip to India and failed to disclose it in a possible violation of House rules, according to a National Journal review of public records.
He takes his personal photographer, who was not on his staff.
Then to score a perfect ten in cringe-worthiness, we discover that the outside group is “The Global Poverty Project, an advocacy organization that seeks to alleviate extreme poverty internationally.”
Oh the irony. A man who doesn’t want to alleviate poverty in Chicago, takes money from a charity to travel to India to have his personal photographer take this pretty boy picture for Instagram.
Dude, pull up your socks.
Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.