This Dude Is So Slick That He Can’t Keep His Socks Up

March 13, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Good Ole Aaron Schock is flying his Republican colors again.

Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 10.27.55 AMFirst there was decorating his office at taxpayer expense to look like a London brothel, then there was taking his entire staff to New York City for a first class weekend and having you foot the bill, next was that he misreported an expense as “software,” when in fact he spent it on a private plane ride to a Chicago Bears game, and now …

He took his personal photographer on a trip to India and failed to report it.

Schock appears to have improperly accepted money from an outside group to cover travel expenses for a companion on a trip to India and failed to disclose it in a possible violation of House rules, according to a National Journal review of public records.

He takes his personal photographer, who was not on his staff.

Then to score a perfect ten in cringe-worthiness, we discover that the outside group is “The Global Poverty Project, an advocacy organization that seeks to alleviate extreme poverty internationally.”

Oh the irony.  A man who doesn’t want to alleviate poverty in Chicago, takes money from a charity to travel to India to have his personal photographer take this pretty boy picture for Instagram.

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Dude, pull up your socks.

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

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