Think About It

July 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal:

– Darrell Issa acted all weird at his committee hearing yesterday.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, seemed to catch everyone off guard Wednesday when he suddenly pulled the plug on his committee hearing before witnesses could even testify.

– And, there’s an unexplained giant hole in Siberia.

Coincidence?  I think not.  What other plugs are you pulling, Issa?

Just sayin’.


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0 Comments to “Think About It”

  1. Brian E says:

    Hair plugs for men?

  2. In a related story, scientists have discovered brain matter in an 8,000 year-old skull,
    No word yet on whether they will be able to get Isa a transplant.

  3. Issa being weird is not news. I swear that I am going to stop watching Real Time if Maher has this idiot on one more time.

  4. I’ve noticed that Bill Maher likes to pepper his panel every now and then with a questionable type, maybe even someone who was at one time a felon. Of all people, Maher can handle jackwagons like Issa very well. He has even had Grover Norquist on the panel. However, now that Grover has lost a lot of his clout, he simply comes across like a charicature, somebody just to fill out that seat for that particular show.

  5. “Lerner’s shop is charged with enforcing the federal Hatch Act’s prohibitions against federal employees engaging in political activity, which makes her the go-to person in the event of allegations of wrongdoing by the White House political office. She was prepared to tell the committee she did her homework and found nothing wrong.”

    Well, of course he wanted to cut her off before she did THAT.

  6. Darrell’s repeatedly shown he has no idea what the word “hearing” means.

  7. daChipster says:

    Alleged car thief, arsonist and insurance fraud Darrell Issa continues to use up more than his share of irony (and oxygen) by preening about with his gavel in one hand, his tub of Bryl Cream/shoe polish in the other, and a pocket full of corporate checks and “get out of jail free” cards.

    If “santorum” is the frothy etc etc, then “issa” is the greasy toxic residue left from fracking over a landfill.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Rumour says Breitbart has video showing that big Siberian hole leads directly to Benghazi and because it is black,it is designed to hide whatever Obama is doing.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    I betcha it’s fracking doing it. Or a bunch of kids who decided to go with their lifelong dreams of digging a hole all the way to China. Truly, I do not joke about fracking.

  10. maryelle says:

    Issa just found out he’s being audited.

  11. “Darrell Issa acted all weird at his committee hearing…”

    I’ve got news for you. He’s not acting.

  12. He had a Nazi recreation event to attend.

  13. Zyxomma says:

    Issa being in charge of an oversight committee is yet another reason to get out the vote among apathetic Democrats and Independents this November. The stakes are very high. Do what you can.
