Things Go Better With Guns
by Primo Encarnación
A couple, two, t’ree weeks ago (as Uncle Jimmy Barstool might say) I completely innocently upset a pickup driver on the expressway, and he proceeded to chase daMrs and I in our little car. This is a very unusual occurrence for two reasons. First, I’m usually not innocent in upsetting other drivers. Second, I’ve never been chased before. Whatever. With my panicked wife frantically trying to remember the number for 911, I coolly led him along the right side of a semi, held him there as the three vehicles hit a two-lane off-ramp, then sped up and passed in front of the truck, trapping my pursuer on the exit.
Flash forward to this week, when a story hits that a woman in Nevada was involved in a road rage incident while teaching her daughter to drive, and was shot dead in her driveway at the end of a cul-de-sac. “See!” said daMrs, followed by much, much more, as she is also not a fan of my driving. She’s right, of course.
But today, much more of the story is emerging. The original incident between the woman, her daughter and the eventual killer was over and done with, and the women safe at home, when several fateful decisions were made. First, they woke up the 22-year-old brother. Did he tell his sister (who honked the horn that started the whole thing) not to be such an idiot? Did he tell his mother not to wake him for such nonsense? Of course not! Instead he got his….. wait for it…..
Gun. Yes, you guessed right. I knew you would. Well done.
Then, did they call the police? Did they cower behind drawn curtains, waiting like in the movies for the Apaches or the Zulus or the Nazis or the Viet Cong to attack? Of COURSE not: mom and son got in their car and went and LOOKED for the guy and his pals. With their gun. They found them, tracked them, then the tables turned and they were followed back home, where a gun battle ensued, and the mom ended up dead in the driveway, as the killer sped off.
Her death could have been avoided at any one of several points, clearly. Unrighteous indignation. A false sense of superiority. Testosterone. A feeling of invincibility. An inability to think beyond the moment. As in WWI, all of these things contributed to the escalation of this conflict. None of them were made better by the presence of guns. In fact, guns warped the power dynamic, supercharging the situation up to murder.
People are idiots. It’s a proven fact.
So why are we arming them?