They’re In Your Pants Again

February 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of the best things that ever happened to me is when my friend Vickie learned to use a camera phone.

Vickie is uncomfortable unless there’s wheels turning under her. She goes everywhere and does everything. She also has a good eye for things I like.

Example.  Texas Highway 21 in Bastrop County near Paige.




Dear Atheists, Abortionists, and Homosexuals,

You’re very welcome.

Love and Fried Okra,
Juanita Jean Herownself


And I think it’s real nice that they left this one up because Now More Than Ever!



Thank you, Vickie!

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0 Comments to “They’re In Your Pants Again”

  1. Mark Johnson says:

    Well, at least the fool got the last billboard correct. We do have an ineptocracy. With confiscated wealth! You know the confiscated wealth of the Blue States to pay for the hate of the Red States. Anyone paying attention knows that Blue States like Cali and Mass pay far, far more in federal taxes than they receive back in federal funds. So yeah, let’s let all those deep red Southern states only get back as much as they give! Freeloaders. Those “least likely to sustain themselves” should learn a harsh lesson about how their conservative ideas produce poverty.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    OH. EM. GEE! And they’re all spelled correctly. I know somebody who got Spell Check in their stocking!

  3. Re ineptocracy, I would say that it is an illustration of the Peter Principle except that Trump has risen way above his level of incompetence. My scientific observation is that the Peter Principle does not apply if you are born rich.

  4. What Mark Johnson said.

    Happy to be an atheist, never got pregnant so never needed an abortion, and sometimes I almost wish I were homosexual just so I could p*** some people off more than I already do just by existing.

    Meanwhile I have a bumper sticker that says “Friends don’t let friends vote Republican,” along with “The last time we mixed church and state, people got burned at the stake” and “The government of the United States is not, in any way, founded on the Christian religion– George Washington.”

    (Okay, that last one is a bit off– the Treaty with Tripoli containing those words was written at the end of the second Washington term but was signed by the new president, John Adams. And it was passed by the Senate unanimously– you know, a lot of those guys who’d argued over and written the Constitution.)

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Not since Reagan shut down mental hospitals have so many deluded people been on the streets. Thanks, Donnie. What a future! If Sister Stavros is confirmed Sec Ed, we can certainly look forward to more dumb people on the streets in a few years. Although I stutter still when attempting to utter the words, “impeach Donnie.” That would mean Mikey Dense in the Oval Office. That man would spend so much time in your parts, ladies, that you might think the Oval Office was an incubator. That would also move Lyin’ Ryan up to second place.

    Ouch. I must retreat to a kinder and gentler time, when Republican and “fiscal conservative” in the same sentence wasn’t an oxymoron. That was Ike. He knew what it took to pay for a war and jump start the economy. Donnie wants Ike’s ugly southbound train. Maybe we can convince him to trade it for Ike’s tax schedule.

  6. One can of white spray paint & you get (for greater accuracy):

    A Murderous Choice
    Vote Republican

    A Sinful Choice
    Vote Republican

  7. Rick, hope somebody near those signs takes the hint and fixes them with white spray paint.


  8. Marcia in CO says:

    Love the signs/billboards; love the comments!!

    The white spray paint suggestions gets a “thumbs up!” LOL

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Is Momma around? I gots a ?. If homosexuality is a choice, at what point in their lives did these so called kristian wingnuts choose to become A$$HO_ES?

  10. Sign #1 = Hate, Fear & Ignorance.

    Sign #2 = Hate, Fear & Ignorance.

    Sign #3 = Hate, Fear & Ignorance.

    In summary- The pathetic snacilbupeR playbook.

  11. OldMayfly says:

    “A losing brand.” People on the wrong side of history are understandably angry when they become somewhat aware of their situation.

  12. Well I learned a new word from MSNBC and now I may have a better word from TWMDBSI.

    MSNBC said that kakistocracy, a word coined by English author Thomas Love Peacock in 1829, means a government “run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.” I thought we had a winner until ineptocracy came along. Although inept hasnt to me an element if unscruplousness to it, just unqualified or unable.

    Either way, the snacilbupeR have kakistocracy and inemptocracy in spades!

  13. Deacon Blue says:

    Micr: A.Word.A.Day ran this (and some other goodies, like ‘trumpery’) the week after the Election:

  14. Tilphousia says:

    Sigh. Those sign painters are so ignorant it makes my teeth hurt. Why is it that the ‘super christians’ are almost always white and well off? And bet they never ever thought about the less fortunate whilst in their posh country clubs.

    Ignorance = rethuglicans

  15. @deacon blue

