They Own Him

March 12, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The GOP owns Trump.  They bought him. They knew what he was when they nominated him at their convention.  They knew what he is when they refused to call any witnesses at his impeachment hearing. They know what he is at his rallies. They own him. The Republican Party is Donald Trump.

They cannot say that his speech last night was sane, productive, or even read well.

This morning, the contradiction and misinformation in the speech is glaring.

They also cannot act surprised that the markets got a black eye along with being kneecapped.

It is their fault. Everyone in the Republican Party, with the exception of (and it pains me to say this) Mitt Romney, is to blame. I don’t care if it’s your county commissioner, anyone who is a Republican is to blame. Unless they stood up and spoke out, they are to blame.



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