They Make It So Easy

July 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Congressman Phil Gingrey from the state of Georgia, is powerfully concerned about all these children streaming into our country with all manner of horrible diseases, like swine flu, ebola, dengue fever, and some of them might even be gay.  Okay, I made up the gay part but it does seem likely he’d say that if he’d thought about it.

Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 11.43.21 AMHe is a medical doctor so he is also very concerned about preventable diseases they bring:

“Many of the children who are coming across the border also lack basic vaccinations such as those to prevent chicken pox or measles.”

Okay, first off, that’s not true.

As the Texas Observer points out, when it comes to measles, children in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras are more likely to be vaccinated than children in the United States. None of those countries have recorded an outbreak of measles in 24 years. Kids in Marin County are more at risk.

But even more fun, the congressman/doctor “has long-standing ties to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a far-right medical group that opposes all mandatory vaccines. The organization touts access to Gingrey as one of its membership perks.”

So, let me get this straight — you don’t believe in vaccinations but you don’t want to be around kids who don’t have them?  No, there’s gotta be more than that.  You think kids with vaccinations are bad but those without who are even badder?  No, no, that can’t be it.  You think kids who speak Spanish need vaccinating but kids who … jeepers, this is hard to figure out.  Hummm … You are a total jerk who will say anything to get attention.  Bingo!

Thanks to AlanInAustin for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “They Make It So Easy”

  1. Idleness is the devil’s workshop and it specially picks on congress critters who haven’t the sense to know what they should be doing next to improve the job situation in this country! Somebody please give this boy a shovel so he can dig his way out of the pile he jumped into!

  2. Miss Juanitajean, I love you. Funniest thing I’ve read in a while.

  3. charles r phillips says:

    Stupid, narrow, venal, stupid, racist, illogical, stupid, dimwit. Did I mention stupid?

  4. charles r phillips says:

    By the way, who would sell this guy a medical degree? K-Mart?


  5. A “doctor” who opposes vaccines? What’s he in favor of– chanting and waving a doll with feathers glued on? He should have a big sign in his waiting room that says, “Caution: I have no clue what I’m talking about.”

  6. “Hummm … You are a total jerk who will say anything to get attention. Bingo!”

    Beyond this…. I got nothing.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Loopy Louie and Pajama Ducky Brent were lampooned on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

    Will the wing nuts last through another two years of Obama Derangement Syndrome? Or, how many times can their heads explode, before we can count them as dead?

  8. His CV says he got his MD at Medical College of Georgia, but that is a respected institution. I suspect he really got it from K-Tel with a free stethoscope if he was one of the first 50 callers.

  9. donquijoterocket says:

    Doesn’t that make two of the Georgia congressional delegation who are M.Ds? Paul Broun being the other and just as idiotic as this guy. One must recall that a Senator from Oklahoma Tom Coburn is also purportedly an M.D. Apparently there is no necessary connection between the intellect required to navigate med school and rational thinking.

  10. Too bad doctors don’t have to go through regular testing to be re- certified for medical currency, sanity, and scientific competency.

  11. Teh Gerg says:

    This is just the tip of the iceberg of lunacy that is Phil Gingrey. He’s mentally and morally softer than the back half of a duck.

  12. My friend Driftglass likens Gingrey to political foot fungus. To which I would avidly agree. Although the analogy is certainly an insult to foot fungus community.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah, but foot fungus is treatable.

  14. maryelle says:

    The KKKristians who are waving guns, hateful signs and screaming insults at these refugees
    have shown the world what it means to be a conservative. This “doc” needs a hate vaccination right quick.
    Fire hoses, tear gas and rubber bullets are what the rwnj’s deserve.

  15. What medical school (matchbook cover?) did he get his degree from, which teaching hospital? I need to know, so I can check the diplomas at the Urgent Care.

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Linda, Phil Gingrey doesn’t even have the share of idiot/savant of a Dr Ben Carson. From all told, taken with some skepticism, Dr Ben Carson was a brilliant innovator in neurosurgery gone over the top st00pid, when he laid down his scalpel.

    Meanwhile, goofy Gingrey; at a loss as to any third world country desperate for doctors would adopt this fool.

    But when crazy overcomes credentials, it’s time to address the lunacy and grab some questionable credentials.

  17. I am certain that Gingrey thinks that many of the children are gay and that moreover it is highly contagious.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    donquitorocket-failed senate candidate and presently accused felon,Annette Bosworth of South Dakota is also an MD and a real wingnut.

  19. donquijoterocket says:

    Onion- Thanks.I guess, I’d done forgotten about that one. As I recall Bill Frist was supposed to be a first class doctor ,but exhibited his ignorance during the Schiavo case and we more recently have the Ben Carson example. Then there’s self- certified Rand Paul. There’s something about the medical profession that attracts wingnuts.

  20. Ellen Childress says:

    Makes me afraid to look for a new doctor. How do you know which ones are fruitcakes and which ones are not? I am also of the opinion that Texas should allow the Confederate loonies to keep their license plates. At least, when we see the license plate, we can guess that the driver may have a sheet tucked under the front seat.
