They Have a Cure But You Can’t Have It

January 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Keller, Texas, produces some very weird people.  Remember when they tried to charge parents of children on free or reduced lunches $100 a semester to ride the school bus?  And that if you don’t own a gun, you can’t be a Christian?  And their State Rep who wants to give the states power to override the federal government?

Well, they found the cure for diabetes there.

But you can’t have it.

They are going to use it to save the souls of Communist Chinese.  The plan, you see, is that they are going to send some Christians to the heads of communist governments and start by curing their families.  And then, these heads of communist countries will allow Christians to come in and convert everyone in exchange for the cure.  That’s why you can’t have it.  And I’m sure you think it’s worth it.

Here’s the plan.

You’ll also love the comments under the You Tube.

Keller, Texas, where Christians hide things – including the love of Sweet Jesus.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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