They Had a Plan

July 25, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

When Joe Biden stepped aside in his re-election campaign last Sunday, practically the first thought that came to mind was, “I hope they have a plan.”

Well, apparently, they had a plan. The transition was as smooth as you could make it. Very quickly, a sufficient number of delegates confirmed their votes for Harris in order to put a lock on the nomination. A historical influx of campaign cash came in from first-time donors. Tens of thousands of campaign volunteers signed up.

People were all in.

Sen. Joe Manchin (I – WVA) was the only one to try and muddy the waters by threatening to re-register as a Democrat and oppose Biden’s nominated successor.

But that fizzled after almost an entire day, and any further gathering of buzzards didn’t happen.

Another worrisome issue was MAGA Republican litigation. We’ve been witness to enough legal efforts to usurp electoral results that not to expect lawsuits from them over our “ol’ switcheroo” was a fantasy.

But so far, the only thing we’ve seen from MAGA Republicans is a complaint to the Federal Election Commission. And we all know what typically happens to these complaints. Nothing, until after the general election. Then, generally nothing after that.

But I’m still waiting for that shoe to drop. Why no lawsuits have been filed – to my knowledge anyway – is a mystery. Are they waiting for the last minute? Are they still thinking about it? Has someone told them that as a political party, we can nominate whomever we damned well please, and they have no case?

I haven’t unbuckled my seat belt yet. There may still be some turbulence ahead.

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0 Comments to “They Had a Plan”

  1. nd allowing 10 million illegal aloens in. The number is incorrect and she had nothing to do with the actual border. Biden put her in charge of negotiations with three Central America countries to enlist their aid in solvung migrant problems.

  2. First half of previous post disappeared. It stated Harris was never installed as “border csar” a position which does not exist except in fevered magat minds.

    Moar magat lies and using mpar spelling gives that word more puha nd magat bs repelling properties.

  3. thatotherjean says:

    On what grounds would Republicans sue? Democrats haven’t held their convention, yet. Joe Biden was a candidate, not the official nominee. He could drop out and throw his support to another candidate, if he chose—and he did.
    Kamala Harris seems to have locked in enough votes to become the nominee. Tough luck, if Republicans spent all their efforts working out how to beat Joe Biden, and are totally unprepared to go up against VP Harris. They’ll just have to stop complaining and figure something out. Or they could give up and let her win, making the US a better place.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    There is little doubt they’ll beat the lawsuit drums to block Kamala from getting any of the Biden-Harris campaign funds while also trying to keep her name off any state ballots that they can. All of course, as usual, to delay, delay, delay. That’s what trumpf’s and the RNC parking garage lawyers do. They’re also trying to delay, dismiss, delay, dismiss his criminal trials and sentencing until after the election so he can claim immunity.

  5. I don’t know if there was a plan, but:

    “There comes a time when all the cosmic tumblers have clicked into place – and the universe opens itself up for a few seconds to show you what’s possible.”
    -Field of Dreams

  6. I’ll just throw this in here:

    Cat Lady

  7. Not at all surprised at the R reaction. If I had the $ I would haave bet on it and won!

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Trumpf chickens out of debating a smarter woman with a moral compass. What a shocker-

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    My evil twin still thinks it would have been fun had Biden resigned during tfg’s RNC speech — then the networks would have left him for Biden!

  10. I am glad they had a plan. I imagine the Ds have a plan for lawsuits that could arise and/or actions the crazies may take. Just hope it works as well as this one has so far. My sigh of relief will come when Harris is sworn in as President. Another sigh of relief will be when Supreme Court actually starts functioning as a court law and not as an arm of the trumpsters or other right wing crazies.
