They Are Young, Greedy, Self-Righteous, and Dwindling

February 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to a customer who has the fortitude to subscribe to all the Republican stuff to keep up with what the crazies are doing, we have this snickeroo —

Click the little one to get the big one.  Or, click here to see the whole thing.

They had to cut their ticket price in half to get people to come.  They couldn’t get the illustrious Andrew Breitbart to come because they couldn’t even cover his travel expenses, but, hey, that’s no small amount considering that Breitbart has to buy an extra seat for his ego and an entire overhead compartment for his gall.  Besides, the chemical reaction of bacon grease, Aqua Velva, and burning mental health that surrounds Breitbart has been known to cause cancer in cockroaches.

Okay, that was mean.  I shouldn’t have said that.

Want me to say it again?

Kiddos, it’s a true blessing that Breitbart can’t come.  Texas air is bad enough as it is.

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