They Are Up In Arms

February 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


As you know, Juanita’s favorite activity is watching Republicans when they are outraged.

“I have decided,” she notes, “that outrage passes for foreplay in most Republican homes.”

Well, somebody’s gonna get lucky tonight because the folks over at GOPUSA are in a thither.  “They are all quiverred-up with indignant,” she grins.

Fox News reports that “as thousands of protesters on both sides of an epic budget standoff in Wisconsin faced off Saturday at the Capitol, alleged doctors were handing out ‘fake’ sick notes to protesters — allowing them to call in sick while the budget impasse continues.”

And sure, enough, I went to Fox News and they did “report it.”  I put report in quotation marks because the whole story was based on rumor and hearsay but that is what counts as news over at Fox.

Well, Bobby Eberly, who is the owner of GOPUSA and originally hired Jeff Gannon as a reporter, got himself all twisted up over this story.  Plus, he is stunned, stunned I tell you, that President Obama has an opinion about what’s going on in Wisconsin.

Of course, Barack Obama has felt the need to step into Wisconsin’s business by attacking the budget proposal and calling it “an assault on unions.” Obama advocacy group, Organizing for America, “has bused in some of the nearly 70,000 protesters Saturday.” It’s a move that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) called “inappropriate.”

Juanita says that she wonders what part of United States of America that Lindsay Graham and Bobby Eberly don’t understand.

If you have some spare time, scamper on over there and read some of the comments.  They are hoppin’ mad.  They are seething.  They are so damn stoopid.

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