They Are Just Ta-Tas. Get Over It.

August 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is probably pretty boring in Ohio and I say that because they have to make their own fun.

Patrick Johnson is the head anti-choice guy in Ohio and he, of course, is just all a’tither about boobs.  His church has been protesting at a topless bar for years.  One Sunday, just for the helluva it, the topless dancers returned the favor and protested his church, topless.

Was he upset?  Is a frog waterproof?

He wants to stop all this public nudity.  In Ohio.  To me, and I only speak for myself here and not the entire staff of the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. because some of them disagree with me, the problem in Ohio is that there is not near enough public nudity.  Verdelia disagrees.  “It would take more than a few nakkid hooters to get me to vacation in Ohio,” she says.

Patrick Johnson wants to outlaw nakedness in Ohio.  You have no idea the problems naked is causing in Ohio.  But, Patrick is more than willing to tell you …

“The gay pride parade in Columbus is 500,000 strong – why? Because the women go topless,” he insisted on Facebook. “This is the only one where I’ve seen this level of nudity. San Francisco, Chicago, Washington, D.C. I have never seen the kind of public lewdness I have seen in Columbus, Ohio.”

Okay, just a thought here.  He does understand, doesn’t he, what gay means, right?

Just a second thought here.  How many Pride parades did he have to attend to come up with this scientific measurement of cross country lewdness?  Buck Pochek over at The Good Folks at Buck Pochek’s Rural Entertainment Promoters and General Purpose Feed Store, says he’d like to apply for that job when nakkid season opens again.  He wants to publish “Naked: The Coloring Book.”  That’s a best seller, for sure.

Screen Shot 2014-08-23 at 9.44.29 AMBut, Patrick ain’t finished yet.  Outrage is an aphrodisiac in rightwing nut land and sometimes it takes an extra dose or two to get the juices flowing, so Patrick keeps on raging on.

“I am sick that women can legally bare their breasts to children and to married men against their will in Ohio,” he says.

Patrick, they are just ta-ta.  See, I’m sick that preacher men can bare their nakkid hypocrisy and really, really bad hairdos in stinkin’ public.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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