They Admit It – Again!
It’s no secret at voter ID is meant to discourage voting among the young, the elderly, the poor, and minorities.
But, it’s supposed to be a secret, so now that another Republican tells the truth, we might as well hang a GO AWAY sign at every polling location.
Wisconsin congressman Glenn Grothman let the cat out of the bag and gave it some damn catnip.
“You know that a lot of Republicans, since 1984 in the presidential races, have not been able to win in Wisconsin,” Benson said. “Why would it be any different for Ted Cruz, or a Donald Trump?”
After explaining he thought Hillary Clinton would be a weak nominee for the Democrats, Grothman said “now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is gonna make a little bit of a difference as well.”
Little bit? Is that all you’re hoping for? Silly boy.