They’ll Welcome Him With Open Arms in the Texas Lege!
The author of Arizona’s racist immigration law, former Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce, tried to get re-elected to the Arizona legislature after he was removed from office in a recall vote last year – and fell flat on his face:
The election defeat could spell the end of the political career of Pearce, a national lion in the fight against illegal immigration who was ousted from the Senate last year in a historic recall election.
Worsley, the founder of SkyMall and several other companies, was recruited by moderate Republicans to block Pearce’s attempted comeback. Worsley won the race with 56 percent of the votes, 12,789, to Pearce’s 44 percent, 10,086.Randy Parraz, an activist who led a recall election against Pearce, said the former political heavyweight’s loss was no surprise.
“This is the same Russell Pearce who said he’d never lose a primary,” Parraz told The Arizona Republic. “He misjudged the fact that he was no longer a conservative Republican — he was an extreme Tea Party Republican. There’s no comeback for Russell Pearce — he’s done.”
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No need to worry about Russ Pearce – the Texas Lege is planning to include Pearce’s Mesa, Arizona home in its next attempt to drawn lines for Texas House seats!