There’s Good News and Bad News

February 01, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The bad news starts here.



And then it gets worse.


But there is good news: Ted Cruz can plan his trip to Cancun ahead of time and not get caught sneaking out of town.



So it’s probably all worth it.


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0 Comments to “There’s Good News and Bad News”

  1. We are working on our emergency evacuation plan. We have to be able to get to any other state, and in Texas, that’s not easy. We are closest to Louisiana. Things are bad when one is considering being rescued by Louisiana.

  2. J.J. you always seem to find the cherry on top of the turd.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This ted cruz, right? Very hard to hit a new low when one’s that low. But he’s a pro:

  4. Steve Schlackman says:

    Hey you are welcome to come up to Harrisburg PA and walk my trusty dog Mark for me at 8am when the temperature is 8 degrees F. We were spared the snow but it’s cold. The lights have stayed on.

  5. Sam in Mellen says:

    Y’all are welcome to come here. It’s up to 20 today with light snow or as we call it in the Northland “Early Spring”.

  6. I know people died when the power went out – – but Ted Cruz’s poodle at the door of his unheated house while he was in Mexico really sums it up for me. That poor poodle was treated like the Eric Trump of the Cruz family. Even if the dog was smarter and better trained.

  7. Charles Dimmick says:

    Sounds pretty warm to me. Yesterday morning it was minus 3 F. when I got up [that’s minus 20 Celsius for those who keep score]. This morning it had warmed up to a flat 0 F. But it turned out to be a hot day; it got up briefly to 34 before dropping again. And tomorrow it might be warm enough to rain.
    However, I know what you have is a bit cold for Texas. I remember when I lived in Nacogdoches it snowed one day, first snowfall in 50 years. The entire county was paralyzed. And I had the only sled in town. (I think that was in 1968, but I’m not certain)

  8. @3 Steve from Beaverton:

    Like Cruz would know what Black women think. Where was he when Droolius Geezer only chose judges from the Federal Sociery’s list? I doubt there were any Black women on that.

  9. That’s the Federalist Society. And, no, I haven’t had any wine, yet.

  10. Ormond Otvos says:

    Do ya think, between freezing and dying of covid, there will be a better balance of blue and red counties?

  11. Good luck to all of you….here in IN we are due 8-12″ of the stuff, falling after my personal favorite, freezing rain. And really cold….Hang tough!

  12. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Here’s hoping the power stays on…at least any ice you have won’t stick around for more than 12 hours.

    We still have snow and ice from a couple of storms ago, and my sainted spousal unit finally made it out of the driveway today for the first time in 2 weeks!

  13. I know it gets colder in other states – but the 2 problems in Texas is #1) our construction was never built to withstand these temps – so pipes freeze and burst and #2) we have the shakiest power grid in America.

  14. RepubAnon says:

    So, will Abbott blame the upcoming outages on critical rave theory? Windmills pulling cold air in from Canada?

  15. RepubAnon, critical rave theory sounds like it’d be plausible.
    Especially if we could get that guy who called that one dumbass governor posing as Charles Koch.
    “Governor, we have studies from the Cato Institute showing that all those glow sticks are really northern lights. And all the ecstasy electo dancing is the new voodoo.”
    It could work.

  16. slipstream says:

    P.P.: Gonna take a lot of bleach to get that image outta my eyes.

  17. Sandridge says:

    Almost the same WX forecast here, unusually cold and wet, with brief freezing; for a couple of hours. It’s been warm and humid as usual [70 outside now, hey it ain’t Key West or Lahaina, but it’ll do], with fronts every week or so, but this one will be the ‘big one’.
    It’s interesting, if you’ve spent time in cold places, to watch everything around here closing up and shutting down. Most schools, lots of businesses, etc., announcing closures. All for a few 25 degree hours with a little sleet and rain, a few in the Hill Country will see a little snow. ‘Majr Disaster’…

    We went through last years big WX event with just the cold.
    Our co-op electrical system stayed solidly on with just a few wind outages [not a blip here]; the co-op doesn’t generate any power itself, it buys all the electricity from the nearby big city municipal system, which did have problems.

    Good luck to everyone, this weather event does look like a doozy for much of the country.

    And don’t listen to the climate change deniers.
    These types of events are actually predicted by the global warming hypothesis. Among many other factors, the warning oceans and atmosphere hold more moisture/water vapor, which naturally produces more rain and snowfall.

  18. Sandridge says:

    This balmy 75 is fixing to crash any minute now when that ‘ol north wind begins to howl, dangnabit:

    02 16:55 E 9 10.00 Overcast SCT027 BKN055 OVC085 75[deg] 64 70% NA NA 29.73 NA

    Kenedy Regional Airport:
