There’s Gonna Be An App for That, Thank Goodness
Okay, say you’re shopping and you are determined NOT to buy one single damn thing where the Koch brothers make even a stinking .00001 cent off your purchase.
There’s fixing to be an app for that. Seriously.
Darcy Burner, a Democrat running for Washington’s 1st Congressional District came up with the idea.
“Our democracy has been bought and sold by people like the Kochs,” Burner said, citing the Citizens United ruling that allows tax exempt nonprofits like Americans for Prosperity, founded by David Koch, to donate anonymously in unlimited amounts to candidates and causes. “When I’m out talking to voters, they say they want a way to take action.”
At her recent Netroots Nation keynote address, Burner pitched her plan of action to an audience of progressive bloggers: a smartphone app allowing shoppers to swipe bar codes to check whether the Kochs, or other right-wing supporters, are behind a product on the shelves.
I am so getting that app. Not one dime to the Koch brothers.
I will be happy to live my life Koch free.