There’s Dumb, There’s Damn Dumb, and Then There’s Take Your Breath Away Dumb

January 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You remember James O’Keefe, of pimp fame at ACORN, of breaking into Mary Landrieu’s office fame, of sophomoric attempts to seduce Abbie Boudreau of CNN fame, and of NPR fame where he “deceptively” edited the video.

He’s an employee of Andrew Brietbart.  You know, if I was ever going to start a Creepy Farm, I’d use Andrew Brietbart for breeding stock.

The sexy and seductive James O'Keefe

And if The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. gave a yearly award for the World’s Most Narcissist Punk, we would have retired James O’Keefe’s  jersey by now.

Now he’s violated the law again and will more than likely get his friends arrested.

O’Keefe decided to prove that we need voter ID laws in the United States.  So, he merrily got his friends to use the names of dead people to go vote in the New Hampshire primary.

First, that’s illegal.  His accomplices could be facing both state and federal criminal charges.

But, second, he pretty much proved that we do not need voter ID laws because …. you guessed it …. they got caught.

Someone did, in fact, catch on to the scheme when a man dressed in a suit and tie tried to vote as a dead man known to the poll watcher. The man left before police arrived and said the poll watcher would “soon find out” why he tried to vote under a fake name, the Boston Herald reported Tuesday night.

And the whole scam fell down.  That’s the problem with having an organized effort to vote illegally.  Somebody is gonna squeal when caught.  And they will get caught.

Now, I’ve got to admit that I have some mixed feelings about this.  I have voted Democratic my whole life, and when I die I want to be buried in Duval County, Texas, where I can continue to vote Democratic.  But, if some little punk like O’Keefe comes along and tries to vote me Republican, I’ll be waiting for his skinny little butt in the hereafter.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads-up.

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