There’s An App for That

May 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to avoid putting a dime in the pocket of the Koch Brothers?

There’s an app for that.

Buycott is the app that lets you scan a product and see who makes it.  Better yet …

Even more impressively, you can join user-created campaigns to boycott business practices that violate your principles rather than single companies. One of these campaigns, Demand GMO Labeling, will scan your box of cereal and tell you if it was made by one of the 36 corporations that donated more than $150,000 to oppose the mandatory labeling of genetically modified food.

I downloaded it and can’t wait to take it to the grocery store.  If anybody else is using it, let me know.

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0 Comments to “There’s An App for That”

  1. Say this today at lunch while reading on lifehacker. I plan to buy it this w/e before we go shopping sunday afternoon.

  2. I don’t have one of them fancy phones, so let us know how it works for you.

  3. Another Ellen in Texas says:

    Got it! Thanks Juanita Jean!

  4. Something that actually makes me wish I had one of those stupid phones. Now is it worth getting one just for that…?

  5. Tried to find it on Google Play, but nothing came up. Went back to the Forbes article and an addendum said the app’s server was slammed – they had to take it down while they beef it up.

    That’s the kind of problems I love to read about: people doing good things being overwhelmed by requests. I’ll check back in a few days and load that sucker.

  6. Not now, but later. The inventor will the Nobel Peace Prize – or there is no justice. Think about it.

  7. I need to add that the inventor is a youngish (young to me) kid. I thank God for the next generation. They will clear the way. Thank you. I wish I had the stamina for occupy.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I can’t wait to try this sucker. But it needs a snappier name than Buycott.

    Bullies Be Gone?

    Greed Be Gone?

    Tax Cheater Beater?

    Oh, never mind, as long as I can keep my money out of the hands of our corporate overloads, I’m in.

  9. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    Now if folks will use it…..

    Comes the Revolution….used to be one of my favorite phrases when I was peeved by a certain situation… now it is Comes the Revelation… and the b**tards don’t get my money.

  10. Okie Dokie says:

    I just searched Google Play. This app isn’t on Android yet. (My phone is made in Korea, NOT a Foxconn slave shop.)

  11. @Rhea. Smartphones are necessary for life itself!!!
    I refuse to even Visit the amount of money I have dropped on them, but…….(and no 16 y/o isn’t even in my rearview mirror anymore!!)
    STOP!! What’s that shiny thing over there….?

  12. Said on that site that they were overwhelmed with downloads. Apparently, everybody is sick of these money rakers! So I am going to wait a bit. At least I got a peek long enough to know to stop buying Angel Soft tp….Found recently, Koch Kreeps put my cuz out of 20 yr job when they bought Ga Pacific, AFTER the had worked her into a heart attack. I will fight and badmouth them every chance I get!
