There Ya Go – Tithing In Action

October 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s actual videos of Trump attending church and putting his tithe in the bucket.

The International Church of Las Vegas was among the houses of worship receiving federal PPP loans earlier this year — in the amount of $350K-$1m — per ProPublica’s database.  And Trump was there on Sunday morning.

Here’s this video.  It’s long so I’ll save you some time by letting you know that Trump went to church in Vegas on Sunday. Watch the very beginning where he digs the money out of his pocket.  Then skip ahead to 30 seconds, where they zoom in with the camera.  He has two $20 bills.

Now since this is the first time he’s been to church in at least a month, that’s his tithe like a good Christian.

Thelma says you should watch the whole thing because Trump keeps staring at the money in his hands like it’s killing him to give it up.


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0 Comments to “There Ya Go – Tithing In Action”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    40 whole dollars? Before we think that’s a lot of money for a guy who owes over $400 million remember from what little has been leaked as to his tax returns, we might glean that Donnie has paid little more than $750 total lifetime in taxes. Down ~ $400 million, out approximately $790, and did Thelma’s watchful eye catch Donnie pulling the lousy 40 bucks back …

    But hey guess we should be grateful Donnie didn’t bring Billy Bob Barr and Chad Wolf along with their goons to “sweep” the streets clearing a path to the church for Donnie. With Donnie it can always be worse.

  2. IDK much about how people tithe in Christian churches. If he’d wanted to be descreet, he could have slipped the money into a white envelope.

    He calls himself a billionaire, but only give a church $40?

  3. discreet not descreet.
    Can’t spell before coffee.

  4. Headlines: Evangelicals went all in on Trump and he played them like ‘suckers’: ex-White House advisor

    Edit: “He had absolutely no interest in evangelicals before his entry into politics and he will have absolutely no interest in them after his exit.”

  5. Palming his money might make it easier for him to grab some money out of the plate.

  6. Two more from The Atlantic:

    Edit:“Can you believe people believe that bullshit?” Donald Trump said after a 2012 meeting with pastors who laid hands on him

    Edit: “Those fucking evangelicals,” the president, smiling and shaking his head, told GOP lawmakers, according to Tim Alberta’s book, American Carnage.

  7. Captain Dan says:

    Evangelicals are not intelligent enough to spot a huckster!
    If they were intelligent, they would not be religious nuts!

  8. Hopey Hicks is a little handsy there, isn’t she?

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    Poor guy, he only paid $750 in taxes, $40 is probably all he could afford to give . . . To an institution he doesn’t believe in! Seriously, I wish he’d quit injecting religion into his campaign events, after all, he’s the first President we’ve ever had that wasn’t a member of a Christian church. Oh, the irony!

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    That church should be glad that he did not start grabbing money from the collection plate and putting it into his pockets. After all, he’s lost vast amounts of money, so his tithe would be in negative dollars.

    Also, if I was a church deacon, I’d look real closely at those two 20s. Make sure they weren’t drawn with a green Sharpie, with a president on the front who looks like Trump.

  11. G Foresight says:

    Any reports so far that a couple counterfeit $20 bills were found in the collection money?

  12. Someone who would now be over 100 years old said when she was a kid, they used this tithing trick that trump might be interested in-

    Peel the ultra-thin silvery foil layer off of a gum wrapper, carefully press it onto a penny, and put it in the plate as a dime.

  13. 1 And Trump goeth forth into the desert.
    2 Thereby Satan tempted him, taking him to a height and saying, “all that you see before you, each of the 18 verdant emerald green golf holes shall be yours, and the clubhouse afterward, but only if thou goeth today as is your regular Sunday routine, and do not attend a church service, as is almost never your Sunday routine.”
    3 But Trump shouteth from the heights, “not today Satan, the re-election is upon us!” And he cast off the evil around him.
    4 But Satan relented not and sayeth , “look, through these binoculars… no overeth there, where I am pointing… see-eth my finger? Follow it. Yes, there! The Chicken Ranch! All of the delights you have ever known and more shall be yours, but only should you goeth on this Sunday.”
    5 And Trump again replied, “goeth to your home in Hell Satan, I will not be tempted on this Sunday, or Sunday next, or the following Sunday, for on those days I will raise my voice to the Evangelical voters, I mean the Lord.”
    6 Trump continued, “You may checketh back after November 3rd however, for by then I am wont to change my mind.”
    7 “Mayeth I have a rain check?”
    8 And a thunderous laugh was heard throughout the land as Satan caughteth his breath and replied, “A rain check? In the desert? Oh though art too much Donald Trump! Thou art just too much!”

  14. YELLOWSTONE says:

    Despite living the life of a pagan Trump has successfully marketed himself to right wing Christians who have a lot of tolerance for his past and ongoing transgressions. They have been told by conservative Catholic clergy and Evangelical preachers that their faith is under attack. Therefore, they are looking for a strong man to represent and advance their interests. Trump is the ultimate con man who has taken full measure of these gullible people who really want a theocracy to rule over us all.

  15. Sandridge says:

    Rick @13 says”Yes, there! The Chicken Ranch!”.
    You mean ‘Epstein’s Island of pedophilian dreams’ don’t you?
    DJT was bestbuddies with Epstein for a long time. Funny how the Fundies conveniently overlook all his depravities.

  16. Maybe it’s just me, but I remember the collection plates being solid wood with velvet covered bottoms. That one looked like the kinda plastic bucket casinos provide to hold your coins in at the slot machines. Or a recycled margarine tub.
    Also, it’s worth noting that the guy got f**king trump,’s money, and then headed for the door without passing it around to anyone else.
    Photo of much?

  17. Photo op

  18. Oh, the music and the lights. I swear, they’ve got a disco ball in there…

  19. I ain’t impressed. I know little old ladies on SS who give more than that each week!
    Boy it looked liked it killed him to give up his snack money, even for a photo op. Not impressed.
    He appears to have piles, the way he kept shifting in that cheap chair perhaps needs one of them donut cushions. Shoot, can’t do that, it’d make him look weak.

  20. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Well, it’s Vegas. Maybe he thought he was supposed to stuff the bills into a G-string.

  21. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And his daily shows are costing us a $million+ a day (and now he says he’s going to do 5/day. Two efing more weeks to bullshit everyone. Wonder who the hypocritical evangelicals will make their new chosen one. Maybe Ammon Bundy? Hear he’s big into prayer meetins.

  22. If I ever saw a person who wished he was anywhere else but in church, it was Trump. And what’s with breathing the COVID breath on that guy who sat down next to him? Guess Melania was playing golf or something.

  23. James Bowater says:

    ALL the money that Orange Face *gives away* is taxpayers money .

  24. On a lot of other sites, it is referred to as Trump dropping a wad of 20’s into the collection plate. Two bills do not qualify as a wad in my book unless one’s hands are very small.
