“There Was That Quid Pro Quo. And So She’s Got To Go.”

October 29, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

The lawyer who co-founded Meidas Touch’s “Legal AF” podcast, Michael Potok, has coined a phrase that seems inspired by Anti Vietnan War rallying cries.

See title above for clarity.

The “she” that he refers to is none other than District Judge Aileen Cannon, the Judge Cannon that dismissed 40 felony charges against Don the Con for stealing and then hiding classified documents.

According to this article in Newsweek, Potok claims that Judge Cannon has been seen at the top of a list list of candidates to be considered for appointment to US Attorney General should TFG win in the election next week.

The article speculates that while the information was “leaked” by the TFG campaign, it may have been an intentional leak to gauge public reaction.

Well, it’s nice to see that “The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight” still has a huge say in how they conduct their campaign. This information cannot be ignored by Appellate Judges for the 11th Circuit. Cannot have come at a worse time.

In considering Jack Smith’s appeal of Cannon’s dismissal of all charges in the case on the flimsiest excuse imaginable, there appears to be one more reason to overturn the dismissal: rank corruption.

Mind you, there are plenty of reasons to overturn Cannon’s dismissal. But this particular one really does take the wind out of any “double jeopardy” argument TFG’s lawyers might want to make.

There can be no “double jeopardy” when, at least with Aileen Cannon deciding the case, there was no jeopardy for him in the first place.

0 Comments to ““There Was That Quid Pro Quo. And So She’s Got To Go.””

  1. RepubAnon says:

    I’d say there’s no way to dismiss Trump’s document theft case based on double jeopardy as no jury was empaneled (and so no jeopardy attached). However, that’s under the law for the rest of us, not the “special” Trump rules.

  2. Michael Popok with two Ps! A long-time practicing lawyer with experience in Florida courts (and elsewhere), his Legal AF podcasts/YouTube videos are great.

  3. Under a new administration (Harris) there could be a new trial based on a new charge and definitely with a different judge – in this case, a real one.

  4. I visit Meidas Touch regularly and agree with most everything they rant about.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    Was Aileen (Loose) Cannon’s dismissal “with prejudice”? My non-legal understanding is that if so, it would preclude bringing charges again in the future.

  6. Trying again … His name is Michael Popok, not Potok. (The Newsweek article has the correct spelling.)

  7. Prejudice means the same case cannot be brought back to the same court. You can appeal to a higher court.

    I don’t know if you can move to a different judge at the same level if you can demonstrate ill intent from the dismissing judge. I doubt you can because it would be done all the time.

  8. “Loose Cannon” has refused to recuse herself from judging alleged drumpf assassin in Florida. She was assigned the case and sees no conflict with protecting the ass of the man who gave her this cushy job.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    Teh Gerg: thanks for the clarification. I have a friend in the university law school, but she is busier than an ant in a sugar bowl lately.

    For everyone: to show you how greatly the RNC and it’s dancing monkey boy Melon Lusk values ordinary folk, try reading


    Musk’s PAC has subcontracted out door knocking in Michigan to a company that is as skeezy as it’s employer. People are “hired” on without being told that it was for Trump’s campaign, driven around in the back of U-Haul cargo vans without seats, and told that if they don’t meet some outrageous quotas, their motel rooms won’t be paid for, and their return flights to their home states won’t be covered.

  10. Michael Popok, not Potok

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    OT but some good news for me that my Dodgers won the World Series against the Yankees. I’ll sleep good tonight. Now Kamala, please kick trumpf’s ass!!!

  12. Tall,order, Steve, since drumpf is all ass.
