There Needs To Be a Real Special Place in Hell

June 12, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

David Dewhurst can kiss my big blue butt.  On Sunday.  In the park.  And I’ll even spot him 15 minutes to draw a crowd.

David Dewhurst: so slick that he can't keep his socks up.

Dewhurst put a venture capitalist on the state cancer research board, where he will vote on over $3 billion in state funds for cancer research, where he just happens to have a little interest.

And what did this prime appointment cost Charles Tate?  $465,000 to Dewhurst’s political funds for his statewide races.  Hey, half a million for 3 billion?  Nice return on his investment, no?

Over the past six weeks, the state cancer institute has been generating headlines, after The Dallas Morning News reported that chief scientific reviewer Alfred Gilman quit in protest of geographic-quota politics and a short-circuiting of grant reviews by panels of out-of-state scientists. Among other things, Gilman criticized the institute’s hasty award in March of $20 million to a business incubator partnership between Rice University and M.D. Anderson. Over the weekend, the Houston Chronicle reported emails suggest Tate was instrumental in shepherding the incubator grant, which will help fund cancer researcher Lynda Chin, wife of M.D. Anderson president Ronald DePinho, through the institute’s approval process.

Maybe if Dewhurst gets elected to the senate, he can sell squeaky wheelchair rights for little crippled children or think of the money there has to be in prosthetic devices that don’t even have to work properly!  That’s a whole new frontier for Dewhurst:  sick people to exploit all over the country!

Republicans:  they are selling your cancer drugs to the highest venture capitalist  bidder.  That’s just gotta make you proud.

Seriously, selling state cancer research funds has to earn you a real special place in hell.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “There Needs To Be a Real Special Place in Hell”

  1. Bud Malone says:

    Several years go I stumbled on the Juanita web site. I lucked out and met a top shelf, first rate, muckraker – my friend Susan. She is a positive contrast to the mealy mouth writers who try and pass for journalists. A classy lady, doing exceptional reporting for our benefit.

  2. Elise Von Holten says:

    Amen to that!
    If I ever get to Texas I am hoping to get to the Dairy Queen and meet her and anyone else who lives around there–
    It would be a privilege and a pleasure…

  3. It appears that certain Republicans (Cough, Dewhurst, hack), are not simply content with selling their souls they also want to sell us down the river (no word yet on whether that is the Styx or not).

  4. JumpinJimmy says:

    I will be voting for Ted Cruz and I am not to sure of him either, but heaven knows Dewhurst is bought and paid for.

  5. No wonder Ick Perry was endorsing him! Birds of a feather…

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    Those dudes are selling carcner research, etc., because they have no souls to sell.

  7. BarbinDC says:

    This is what has become of our “for profit” medical system. Science used to be for people who didn’t need or care about money. Now, it’s a race for the bucks and results be damned. I honestly don’t know what the answer its, but this kind of stuff clearly isn’t it.

  8. Don’t you wonder what awaits this gentlemen and other people like him when they die and are judged before God?

    I may not be perfect, but I am not digging my own way to hell.

  9. Dewhurst is giving larceny a bad name! Not really something one ought to do; it leads to Sabbath-breaking and bad companions…
