There is One Person Standing in the Way: McConnell

December 29, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

Yesterday, the House passed, with a wide bipartisan margin, an increase in relief payments from an anemic $600 to a measly $2,000.  Let’s be clear – $2,000 is a pimple on the ass of the problem of millions of Americans who have been suffering for almost a year, while other countries have paid up to 90% of lost wages and revenues for small businesses.  Just now, Chuck Schumer made a motion on the Senate floor for unanimous consent to take up the House bill to increase the payments.  Other Republicans have said they would join the Dems in that effort. Even Trump is demanding it.  The roadblock?  Again?  Moscow Mitch.  He objected to the motion, and is blocking the measure.

So, if you’re evicted or lose your house, or can’t put food on the table, be sure to send a thank you note to Mitch McConnell.


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0 Comments to “There is One Person Standing in the Way: McConnell”

  1. I just watched enough to know this is going to take forever…Mitch objecting to every attempt to tack voting on cash now bill with the override on vetoed defense bill. And Dems objecting to letting the vote go without ensuring the other bill is added to docket immediately.


    I am so frustrated that Mitch is such a jackass and wish he would actually conduct government business legitimately (processing bills for votes in Senate, even if he doesn’t want them passed).

    Frustration and fear leads to evil thoughts, like: a desire for karma…that his body start reflecting in personal health what is health of the Senate body.

  2. Its called payback Mitch and its a bitch!

    Headline: Wall Street Journal op-ed warns Trump’s push for $2,000 stimulus checks will cost GOP the Senate

    Above all else , the devil can not stand to be mocked.
    C. S. Lewis

  3. mark in lufkin says:

    I’m so tired of everyone saying that it is only one person, Mitch McConnell, that is blocking everything.

    The Senate Majority Leader isn’t some position appointed by the gods. Mitch holds that position because his entire caucus VOTED to put him there. They could just as easily vote to put someone else in that position. It takes a majority of the Senate to elect someone as leader. I have absolutely no doubt that if some faction of the GOP were to break from Mitch and support a more centrist leader, that almost the entire Dem caucus would vote for that person.

    So it isn’t Mitch. It is EVERY GOP member of the Senate.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Moscow Mitch. If he wasn’t such a scrooge and shiftless piece of slippery soap, would allow the $600 to go to print; yesterday. Those who need this most should receive both. Seriously, any family of 4 with earnings under $50,000 should have been receiving a check every month since the beginning. Sadly that would include much of Kentucky, yet Moscow Mitch is back for 6 more years.

    *** No one here at the WMDBS, but something you might pass on to retired seniors or those about to retire who vote Republicon. If their cost of living increases hadn’t been sold to voodoo economics and actually kept up with inflation, they’d be receiving at least 25% more than the current ‘inflation’ adjusted checks.

  5. Obviously Senate rules need to be changed. No one should have the authority/power that the Majority Leader has, regardless of party, particularly when the have every interest in power and none in governing. When will that happen? About the same time they vote for term limits I would imagine.

  6. I got an unpleasant surprise a few days ago (yet again) with my so-called Social Security raise for 2021. Coincidentally, the increased amount is exactly the same as the increase in what I will pay into Medicare in 2021. For the fifth year in a row, the monthly check I get is exactly the same and for the very same reason. I guess voodoo economics is operating here too.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I agree with mark in lufkin partly. I agree it’s not just Mitch, but includes virtually all repugnanticans in the senate (the house is another story altogether). But, the repugnantican sheep in the senate just go along with whatever mitch wants to get voted on, and mitch loves his power, so here we’ve been stuck for years. A do nothing senate. Don’t know how this ends but hope this kicks mitch and all his flock in the ass next election (including Georgia next week). As someone else mentioned, that would be karma finally getting him.
    I am also waiting to hear how mitch addresses Trumpf’s big priority of voter fraud (lies), which he said the senate would address this week.

  8. Mitch quotes: edited for nausea.

    ”I’m stronger than mule piss” on this guy, he reportedly said. ‘The declaration seemed to buoy Trump in the face of Kavanaugh’s challenge…

    “My number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.”

  9. BUT please be sad as if they give any money to the desperate, they may have to raise taxes and the horror is that they will have to raise taxes on those poor over stressed 1%-ers!!!

  10. Anyone know what Mitch’s fee will be for backing this? I’m sure DJT seduced him one more time with “let’s make a deal” and “I’ll pay you Many Millions if you make me look like I really want to give $2k to people who voted for me. And I really don’t care.”

  11. WA Skeptic says:

    While we’re taking notice of pending disasters, just note that the Social Security Trust Fund (which pays monthly to the elderly and disabled) is funded by business taxes and employee contributions. It is almost a year since that has collapsed. I shudder to think what is going to happen when pension payments stop happening. Will the US Government do something about that lack?????

  12. Fred Farkleshine says:

    AK Lynne,
    You say you received a COLA raise in your January deposit?
    What was the percentage amount of the raise?
    My SSDI was the same for January, as it was in December!
    My wife’s SS check was also the same for December and January.

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    I mostly agree with mark in lufkin. But let’s not forget the (alleged) people in Kentucky who sent him back to the Senate for another 6 years. Unlike the House of Reps, the blame cannot be gerrymandering – it’s a state-wide office.

    At this point, I’ve lost all sympathy for the rednecks, crackers, yahoos, and cedar-choppers in that state. Maybe they think they’ll get by via cooking and using meth. More likely, they’re blaming the Democrats for not getting any support in the pandemic. I’ve got to the point that if I have to drive through Kentucky, I fill up the car and have a meal before crossing the border. That way I don’ t have to leave a single penny behind in that state.

  14. This is part of their strategy. Other GOP senators can pretend they have a conscience and support the $2k, knowing Mitch is there to stop the train in its tracks. Mitch is impervious to pressure generally and he just got re-elected. He’s golden and doesn’t give a crap about what the general public wants. You want to move Mitch, move the big donors who are holding his leash.
