There is No Such Thing as a Republican Woman

March 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Honey, there is no such thing as a Republican woman.  There are Republican girls but once a girl becomes a woman, she becomes a Democrat.

This is the damn strangest story.  Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is running for Governor of the Great State of Texas.  The only problem is that Abbott ain’t all that fond of hooter toters.  He wants to stand between women and their doctors, women and their God, women and their marriage choices, and women and their right to work for less money than men.

As you might suspect, this ain’t going over real big with Texas women.  However, Texas girls don’t mind it much, so some of them are getting paid to form a PAC called “Red State Women.”

Greg Abbott did not support the Lilly Ledbetter Act for Texas.  Do you wanna know why?

Here ya go.


Women do not want equal pay for equal work.  Women are very busy so they want something practical, you know, like more jobs for less pay.  Better we have two jobs that don’t pay the same as a man than one job that does.  Because we’re busy.  And practical.  Freedom.  Busy.  Errrr … busy.

And this is the damn leader of the Red State Women PAC.  The smartest one.  She is being paid.  Money.  Not the same as a a man would be paid, of course, because she’s busy.

Look, somebody grab a dipstick and check her estrogen level.  I think she’s about a quart low.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

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