There Is a Real Special Place in Hell For These Guys

January 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think God gets really hacked off if you are not kind to children and old people.  And common sense says that you would not want to mistreat people who are fixing to meet God, simply because they’ll get there before you and might poison the well for your trip.

Bless Rick Perry’s heart.  Dante’s Inferno does not go deep enough for his mortal soul.  There’s a real special place in hell reserved for this behavior.

State leaders awarded $2.1 million in taxpayer funds last year to the parent company of a hospice care firm that, according to allegations made by the Justice Department, misspent millions of Medicare dollars intended for the care of terminally ill patients.

Another arm of the parent company has given more than $600,000 to the Republican Governors Association, which Gov. Rick Perry has chaired twice in the past four years. The association has been one of the biggest donors to Perry’s gubernatorial campaigns.

It’s a little known fact that Pay to Play also carries into the afterlife.  However, there it is called Earn to Burn.

Karma, sweet Karma.

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