There But For The Grace of God, Go I *UPDATED*
Y’all, I have to admit it. You do not know how many times y’all could be raising bail money for me.
Vivian Fulk, the chairwoman of the Stokes County, North Carolina Democratic Party was arrested on Tuesday and charged with assault after an altercation at the Foreign Legion Hall in King.
According to the Greensboro News and Record, King Police Chief Paula May said Fulk “dumped tea on a man and kicked him in the groin.”
Local Fox affiliate Channel 8 reported that the hall was being used as a polling place at the time of the incident. Fulk was arrested at 5:04 p.m. and charged with one count of felony simple assault.
The news is not reporting any more than that but I’m on her side.
I did pour a beer on a man once and told him he was no damn good. That man was never a Justice of the Peace again after that.
The chairwoman of the Stokes County Democratic Party told King police that the man she is accused of assaulting Tuesday had argued with her and called her a profane name and a liar before she kicked him in the groin and threw herbal tea on him, authorities said Wednesday.
I do think that’s a waste of perfectly good herbal tea.
I think that woman has bigger “stones” than the guy she kicked.
1I was going to say the very same thing, JJ.
I do think that’s a waste of perfectly good herbal tea.
2“She stood her ground”
3Never tick off a woman. We can make a weapon out of anything.
I shoved a tampon up some guys nose once when he would not stop harassing my friend. I told him that was as close to her hoo-ha as he was ever going to get. He was asked to leave to party.
4I love this blog. The comments here make me smile and give me hope. @Lorraine–I hope that I never make you mad.
5Now the Dems have had our own Tea Party moment–hope she gave him a powerful kick, too!
6Where do we send her bail money?
7Hurray for her. Imagine having the gall to bring herbal tea into polite society among voters, no less.
8…and as he lay writhing on the ground in well-earned agony, I hope she stood over him and said…
“You’re Fulked now!”
9Herbal tea makes her one very high class kicker! Unknown to most people here in Virginia, we had at one time forever a law on the books about verbal assault. This was aimed at protecting the honor of women no matter where they were. I think it even had a legal title something like “verbal trespass”. This was one of the laws that was handed down to colonial governments from Britain. I wonder if North Carolina had or still has such a law. Darned interesting to find out! Yes, I know nowadays it would be protected as free speech or something like that, but what if, just what if it were still enforceable?
10Another person would have taken a big sip of that tea, and sprayed it all over a guy talking like that.
Then claim he told a hilarious joke.
11Of course the spitee, could always claim that was a lie, and defend himself by telling the officer what he really said.
A tea bagger got tea’d? And called the cops?
12So this idiot follows her around all day at a polling place, harrassing her, then finally gets on her last nerve by insulting her to another person, and when she gives him what he deserves he cries about it and calls the cops????
There’s not a man anywhere that would have taken that kind of idiocy for five minutes, nevermind an entire day. This “crybaby” got what he asked for, in spades.
Where can I send a donation for her fine????
13I live in Surry County, NC, but my property line is on the line between Surry and Stokes County. My first reaction to this story was, “Wait, there are Democrats in Stokes County?” Glad to know. I may swing by Ms. Fulk’s house and drop off a box of herbal tea next time I’m grocery shopping in King.
14A friend of mine plays soccer. She would have kicked him so hard that he would have gagged on his cojones in the back of his throat.
15“Beware the anger of a patient person.”
I can stand on my back deck and throw a rock into King, NC, but it’s in the next county north, so I don’t vote there. I’m glad, because there are some serious nuts up there.
It’s good to know that a few people up there are still sane.
16No matter how ugly Tuesday was for our nation,there is beauty to be seen tonight. We have the most perfectly round,perfectly large,perfectly yellow Harvest Moon gracing iowa’s night skies,in spite of those $%#@ing wingnuts. I hope you get a chance to see Mother Nature’s bounteous beauty before wingnuts decide beauty is evil and kill it.
17Good idea. Let’s all go for a walk. Grab your all weather coat; it might be drizzling yet.
18The herbal tea was Davidson’s organic Earl Grey with lavender freshly three minute brewed over filtered ice with stevia in a non BPA water bottle. No comment other than that until after my court date of December 9. Cheers y’all.
19So,by way of your defense,you are saying tea-baggers don’t like to share tea,of all things? Who knew? Next time,if I might offer a small suggestion, rip his lungs out in front of his lying eyes and then tea-off on his wrinkled up scrotum with both feet. Don’t forget to say thanks. 🙂
20I worked as a clerk at the polls on election day and there were a few men and a couple women I would have loved to kick. They were all Rethuglicans spewing FOX news talking points.
21Who says we can’t beat’em? Ms Fulk has done a credible job beating the slobberknockers out of one disgusting human wretch. Well played,Ms Fulk.
22Congratulations Vivian!
23There is so much you can do and you definately did it. Absolutely wonderful!!!!!