Them Ho-Mo-Sex-U-Als

May 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Florida Republican State Rep. Charles Van Zant says the homosexuals are coming after your children and they’re doing it with Common Core.

11761502A Florida GOP lawmaker on said in a March speech that officials hired to implement Common Core standards will turn kids gay, Think Progress reported on Monday.

“They are promoting as hard as they can, any youth that is interested in the LGBT agenda,” Van Zant said about American Institutes for Research. “These people that will now receive $220 million from the state of Florida, unless this is stopped, will promote double-mindedness in state education and attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can.”

“As homosexual as they possibly can”?  Most homosexuals I know are as homosexual as they possibly can.  I mean, let’s not limit this stuff to mildly homosexual or even normally homosexual.  Let’s grind our teeth, grunt, and do it as hard as we possibly can!

Holy cow, I think this guy knows homosexual people a little too well, ya know?  This is kinda spooky.

And I wanna know what double-mindedness is.  I mean, single-minded has never been a compliment.  And narrow-minded, while popular in Florida and other southern locations, isn’t exactly what we’d hoped for with education.

Personally, I think VanZant is something else entirely – triple-minded:  God, Guns, and Gay.

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0 Comments to “Them Ho-Mo-Sex-U-Als”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    As a friend of mine once said:

    “Do they think being gay is transferrable? Like the flu or germs? I shook the hand of a straight man once. I’m still gay!”

    What in all that is holy is wrong with these people?

  2. He’s jealous because someone, somewhere may actually be enjoying something.

  3. This is a new one. Knowledge will make your kids gay.

    I know knowledge tends to make you vote like a Democrat (there is the real fear) but I didn’t know it had anything to do with sexuality.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    I hear about Common Core all the time from my grandson. He ain’t gay yet.

  5. Lorraine in Spring says:

    You forgot the 4th G – Goofy.

    What a putz.

  6. Van Zant is speaking the little bit language as in a woman is a little bit pregnant, someone might be a little bit gay and for sure he is a little bit educated. It’s the dog whistle for those who lost their copy of the code book.

    Anyway, if Van Zant is telling us that education equals gay, then fine, he’s straight.

  7. Kate Dungan says:

    Lorraine don’t forget the 5th G either…girl parts.

  8. Hey, Van Z! It’s “Common” Core, not hard core! Get it straight for once in your life!

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    You get to where you think you’ve heard the most assinine crap you’ve ever heard and then … zip, zap … along comes the likes of Charlie VanZant and everything flies out the assinine window ’cause they are able to blow us off the friggen’ chart with even more assinine!!

    Who in the hell bred these creatures? It couldn’t have been actual humans doing the nasty … it had to be some kind of vile vermin created out of primordial slime that slithered into some kind of sub-human form to become RWNJs.

  10. It always amazes me that these clowns think it takes so little to “turn someone gay.” How much would it take to alter THEIR sexual orientation? Or is that too obvious a question…?

    “Double-minded”? If he’s an example of single-minded, we need more of any alternative.

  11. daChipster says:

    My wife, da Mrs, and I, were watching the season finale of Ru Paul’s Drag Race last night. It was a fun night full of love and acceptance for all involved, gay, straight or in-between. Case in point: Chaz Bono made a comment about one of the queens, Courtney Act, “I am secure enough in my heterosexuality to find Courtney attractive.”

    (I still haven’t finished parsing that yet. I mean, I thought about it for awhile, then I thought real hard, then my eyes rolled back in my head, then the commercial was over.)

    At one point, during a glitzy production number, I turned to da Mrs and asked, “Did you EVER think you’d see the day?”

    All this by way of saying, given my choice between the homosexual agenda and the No-no-sexual agenda, I’m secure enough in MY heterosexuality to say…

    …let’s ALL be as homosexual as we possibly can.

    Everybody say “Love!”

  12. Florida State Rep. Charles Van Zant is double-minded. One half of his mind is Fear and the other half is Hate. In other words, the usual and standard Republican mind.

  13. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Further proof that Republicans are clueless about real life.

  14. maryelle says:

    Another old white guy who doesn’t get it. Gotta blame somebody for something, so why not Common Core and the tree-hugging, bleeding heart, liberal, commie Democrats who thunk it up?

  15. Monty nailed it.

  16. Of course your children will be as homosexual as they can. I am an old straight white guy, but I’m as as homosexual as I can be, which is completely straight. Other people who are as homosexual as they can be are completely gay. Those people are also being as heterosexual as they can be, which is not at all. That’s the point, Charles. We don’t get to choose. Get over it. Global warning, evolution, climate change, Economics, the list goes on and on of facts that the “conservatives” just freaking ignore. I think I heard of a book called “Liberals Think They’re Smarter than You Are.” I am mystified about what could cause this misconception.

  17. Only one explanation for all these ‘it’s a choice’ Republicans. They’re all bi-sexual and made a choice to live as heterosexuals. They’re convinced sexuality is a choice and they’ve convinced me about their choice.
