The woke civil war

March 08, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

t’s happened again. I guarantee that it happens on a nearly annual basis. An enterprising legislator will put forth a bill to separate Texas from the union. This time it’s Bryan Slaton to the rescue.


We are at the looking glass and the reflection staring back at us is our own idiocy. The civil war of the 21st century isn’t over slavery, race relations, the haves and have nots, or even any kind of coherent policy. It’s wokeness. This is where GOP frontrunner Ron DeSantis has planted his flag. This is the battle ground of a new generation.

What does wokeness mean? They really can’t tell you. They really don’t want to tell you. It’s better if they just leave it up to your worst imagination. You can see the signs around town, “The Church Awake and not Woke.” Sure. Obviously, a true believer cannot be woke. Except if we apply the meaning of woke we realize how mind numbingly stupid this sounds.

The modern dictionary defines wokeness as “the quality of being alert and concerned about social injustice and discrimination.” Yup. We don’t want to be a part of any country that has anything to do with that. We don’t want Christianity to be mixed up with any of that mumbo jumbo. That’s just crazy talk.

Davy Crockett famously said that everyone else could go to hell and he would go to Texas. Who knew that they might end up being one in the same. Who knew that those of us that might even casually worry about the welfare of their fellow people would be held hostage by a mob of idiots. After all, it’s a lot easier to say you are anti-woke then to say you are against equality and human decency.

0 Comments to “The woke civil war”

  1. My ex-state representative, Kyle Biedermann, tried this a couple of years ago. Of course, it went nowhere, but got him some national recognition. From the Texas Tribune:

    “The idea is most often raised by conservatives in the state who are angry over some kind of policy coming from the federal government — and the calls seem to become more frequent when a Democrat is occupying the White House. State Rep. Kyle Biedermann, R-Fredericksburg, filed a bill in 2021 to create a referendum election on whether Texans should create a joint legislative committee “to develop a plan for achieving Texas independence.”

    “It is now time that the People of Texas are allowed the right to decide their own future,” he said in a statement announcing the legislation.”

    He has since gone back to running his Ace Hardware store here in Fredericksburg.

  2. JW Swift says:

    My younger brother is a right-winger, a teacher in the Flo-ri-duh school system, and even has a PhD. He’s a basically kind soul, almost a shirt-off-his-back kind of guy. Yet he agrees with the anti-woke philosophy (and most of whatever talking points the right-wing echo chambers are pushing at the time).

    The best I’ve been able to figure is that while he’s happy to be kind to others and treat them as equals, he wants to be able to be selective about it and not be “forced” to treat people as equals if he doesn’t judge them to be worthy of it (because this is what those echo chambers are telling him that the woke mob demands).

    I basically have to scratch my head and move on.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Certainly a timely subject. I’ve been trying to understand exactly what repugnantican politicians (desantis especially but many others) mean when they use the term “woke”. Cpac was full of it from what I’ve read, too. I wish reporters would take every opportunity to press repugnanticans like desantis to define “woke” compared to the dictionary definition. I suspect they’d struggle to answer, these people that also love to say “cancel culture”.

  4. So will be the negative one. We all have different levels of awareness. My hope is that I am pretty aware in most areas.
    perfect will never be attached to my name.
    The negative thing about Woke IS a tone of superiority in those that use it. Happy to see many young people having such open minds. Please just don’t shove it in my face, I have a way too go before perfection.

  5. The only thing TX seems to produce in large quantities is “STOOPID”. Evidently these Repuke Idjits can’t think about howif Uncle Sam goes, so does Uncle Sam’s money.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Y’all better not brush off any of this crazyass sheeite, because it’s metastasizing and creeping into everything that even tilts a little bit ‘right’ [wrong].

    Sunday I had my OTA teevee programmed for ‘This Week [9AM]…’, then switching to something else to avoid the ‘Joel Osteen’ show which follows it [10AM].

    The channel switch was a little slow, Osteen came on and did a brief self-intro.
    Then some rabid RWNJ named Rick Green from ‘Patriot Academy’ [insignia on shirt], part of David Barton’s ‘Wallbuilders’, came on for a minute or two with a RWNJ pitch right out of the fever swamp of Con nuttery. Had some spiel full of really nasty comments about Biden, Dems, etc.
    Then it was back to Joel Osteen’s uber-Xstian bullshit..

    So watch out, odds are that most of your frenly neighbors are lapping this toxic screwball stew down by the gallon, and secretly dreaming of one day eradicating your sorry librul asses off’n the face of –their– stinkin’ earth…

    Yeah, y’all have heard of this whackjob :
    Rick Green is his partner and bff in RW media.

    And if you dare:

    “Rick Green is a former Texas State Representative, national speaker, author, and radio host. Rick travels the nation speaking for David Barton’s WallBuilders organization and Rick and David co-host the national daily …

    rick green Founder of Patriot Academy Rick Green is America’s Constitution Coach and one of the most dynamic and inspirational speakers in America today, equipping, empowering and challenging about …”

    Clearly Joel Osteen has gone full-on Christo-Fascist now. No hiding behind just those crosses and a waving Murikkkan flag, he’s jumped into the RWNJ swamp with both of his $2K shoes.

    Czech it out, some of you live around these dangerous traitors. Get wary.

  7. The 21st Century version may not be about slavery, but their education ideas make it clear they wouldn’t mind a return to school segregation.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    The GOPers won’t define “woke” because it is about race relations, haves and have nots, etc. and they don’t want to admit they are against helping our society by improving any of those things. The GOP exists for one thing only: to reduce ANY cost to rich folks/companies. If legislators want to have fun throwing a piece of red meat to their easily swayed followers, that’s fine as long as the main objective is fulfilled.

  9. Mark Smeraldi says:

    No need to overthink this (I mean, look who we’re talking about). “Woke ” means the same to them as “Nazi” does to the Ruzzians: a thing I don’t like. Easy Peasy, What to do about it, not so much.

  10. Let them separate, but if they do, they do not get any Gobermint money .

  11. “Woke” is slang for enlightenment. I interpret DeSantis as saying Florida is where enlightenment goes to die. Tsk, tsk

  12. So then Huston metro splits from Texas and petitions to become the new 50th state. Democrats get two more Senators and MAGA looses two plus all those Congressmen. The new State of Huston would probably be a top dozen population wise, outnumbering N. D. , S. D.,Montana, Idaho,and Wyoming.

  13. G Foresight says:

    Woke = more fearmongering by the minority party.

    Poll on “woke”: Most Americans view the term as a positive.

    “By 56%-39%, Americans say ‘woke’ means being aware of social injustice, not being overly politically correct.”

  14. Considering how many federal dollars flow into Texas, without those dollars Texas will become one of those shi*hole countries our glorious past president spoke of. This idea has to be one of the best examples of letting emotions run roughshod over critical thinking.

  15. I don’t understand woke ism, but it’s probably wingnut code for hatred of the liberals. Damn political correctness, They want to be able to say the N word again. Thanks JJ!
