The Whitest White Man Alive

December 15, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today’s award goes to Mitt Romney.

Romney adopted the phrase Keep America American, which is kinda nuts on it’s face because what else would America be?  Icelandic?  To me, it’s kinda like saying, Keep Meat Meaty.

But, there’s a deeper meaning than that.  That same exact phrase was used by the KKK when they didn’t think blacks were …. well, you know … people.

When the white supremacist group used “Keep America American,” it was to rally people against blacks American, gay people, Catholics and Jews. When Romney’s used it, as he did in this Los Angeles Times piece, it was to promise that as president he would “keep America American with the principles that made us the greatest nation on Earth.”

And those principles would be?  Diversity?  Tolerance?  Playing fairly?

Nah, probably not.

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