The Wheels On The Bus Go …
… round and round, round and round. The Governor on the bus goes, “screw you all, screw you all.”
Texas Republican Governor is trying to be the cutest governor on the block.
Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that Texas will begin busing and flying migrants to Washington, D.C in response to the Biden administration’s plan to lift a Trump-era policy used to turn away more than a million asylum seekers at the border.
The move is intended to “help local officials whose communities are overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants,” Abbott said at a news conference.
Good Lord, what’s he trying to do? Get Texas kicked off the UN’s Human Rights Council?
Eastern European counties are welcoming Ukrainians with open arms. And Texas is going to put parents and children on busses to Washington? That’s a 30 hour drive. Who is going to pay for that? And if he send them on an airplane, who is going to pay for that?
He’s just mean.
The so-called Trump immigration reform didn’t do diddle squat except for imprisoning people and separating them from their children (which Greg truly enjoyed watching). Doing away with them won’t cause a difference either.
It’s election time. Abbott is only upping the levels of meanness of the Republican Party.
Has anybody checked recently to see if Abbott casts a reflection in a mirror?