The Weirdest SOTU Response Ever

March 09, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Biden, Border Catastrophe, Crazy Train, Lie

We all remember the disastrous (and laughable) Republican responses to the SOTU over the years.  Bobby Jindal’s and Marco Rubio’s responses were cringe-worthy, and Jindal’s 10 minute spotlight moment ended his career.  Well, last Thursday, freshman Alabama senator Katie Britt said “hold my beer”, launching into the weirdest SOTU response in history.  Typical for Republicans, they put her in a fucking KITCHEN while she breathlessly disclosed the horrors of the Biden administration like protecting women’s health and preserving the right to vote.  If it wasn’t so strange it would have been hilarious.

One of Britt’s blood curdling stories was one she recounted of a private conversation she had with one woman who had been sex trafficked by the cartel in the US after crossing the border during Biden’s presidency.  The story was truly horrific as she described being repeatedly raped and being held captive in a shoebox-sized room.  Simply awful…with the one exception that it was complete bullshit.  Not that the woman was raped and held captive – that story is likely true.  The bullshit happened when Britt pinned the whole terrible scenario on Biden and his border policies.  Tim-Tokker Jonathan Katz did all the work on this, so I’ll let him tell the story:

Watch on TikTok

So, the victim here, Karla Jacinto Ramiro, was a victim of child sex trafficking when she was 12.  In 2004.  When George W. Bush was president.  IN MEXICO.  Ramiro is now an advocate for victims of sex trafficking and is in her 30s.   Ramiro even told this same story in a congressional hearing in 2015.  So, Katie Britt picks up this tragic 20 year old story and recasts it to place blame on Biden who wouldn’t be president until almost 20 years after it happened.  That’s like Republicans blaming Obama for the great recession that happened under GWB or Biden for the disastrous response to COVID  and Afghanistan debacle that were caused by TFG.

Not only was Britt’s melodramatic and creepy SOTU rebuttal cringe-worthy, it was also nothing but vicious character assassination and pure bullshit.  AND she did it on national television.  With any luck, Britt will go the way of Bobby Jindal.

0 Comments to “The Weirdest SOTU Response Ever”

  1. I only lasted for about the first 1 1/2 – 2 minutes of Katie Britt’s SOTU response. I didn’t like the melodramatic tone coming from a corner of her kitchen (really??? How Stepford.). And it was such a downer after Biden’s speech. However that TikTok video from katzonearth almost makes me want to her Britt’s whole speech. Almost.

  2. rastybob says:

    White Trash is going to be White Trash. No member of the GOP
    ever let the truth get in the way of a good story. The bigger the lie the better.

  3. Look out, Talky Tina.. errr.. Talky Katie.
    She’s actually a lot scarier than she appears and sounds at first look. She bumped off Daddy Kojak…

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    An interesting note on the voice she uses:

    I have not listened to her, but immediately knew what the author was describing. One thing that I’ve often thought that Northerners did not fully understand was how effective MLK’s “southern preacher voice” was to people in the South. Even if you did not agree with him, it was genetically inbuilt to most Southerners at the time to listen to it. This baby fundie voice is like the opposite.

  5. thatotherjean says:

    What rastybob says.

  6. Barbara C Jones says:

    And again, as usual, the Republican response did not include a single concrete solution to any of the problems the Senator listed. I made it to the end of her speech, held spellbound in horror at both her lies and her presentation. Bless her little heart.

  7. It was sick .. and scary! And to find out she lied on top of all that horror explains (once again!) who Conservatives are.
    Not to mention ‘The Voice’…

    Jess Piper
    Every former fundamentalist instantly recognizes the fundie baby voice…

  8. Thanks for links everyone!
    Oops should have read before posting!

  9. Harry Eagar says:

    Surly @ 5

    High school debate club voice.

    I remembered the reports of the testimony to Congress and am surprised that among all the multitudinous commentary, no one (except fossils like Katz and Kessler) recalled it. Specifically, that evidently no one in the Republican nomenklatura recalled it.

    Sure, millions who heard it will not catch up to the correction, but many will. I suppose they put up Britt because she was supposed to be a rising star. Maybe with some adult guidance she could have been developed into one, but while she has a future on the Lincoln Birthday chicken-and-peas circuit, her chances of national relevance are kaput.

    As a native of the Old Confederacy, I am astonished to see the number of youngish ladies representing what used to be the Rankin Belt.

    I wouldn’t have predicted it, and after their brief and apparently unsatisfying liaison with Cathy McMorris Rogers (who was also a SOTU responder) I’d have expected them to be more cautious. (I know she represents Washington state, but she’s a Pensacola Bible College grad.)

  10. The rising star appears to have become a falling star. Oh well. I made it to the six minute mark…on my second attempt. No more. Creepy…yes, that’s the best word for it.
