The Washington Post List of Things that are Better

January 26, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Biden

Must read: Yesterday, Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post listed 50 things that are better since Biden took office. The list is great, so I encourage you to read it all, but here are a few highlights:

  • You can ignore Twitter
  • The White House briefing room is not an Orwellian nightmare of lies
  • We have not heard a word from presidential children
  • You feel calmer after hearing the president
  • The president is able to articulate policy details, coherently even
  • Fauci, not the president, briefs on the science of covid-19 and efficacy of vaccines
  • The president will talk more to our allies than to Russian President Vladimir Putin

Enjoy the list.

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0 Comments to “The Washington Post List of Things that are Better”

  1. What a relief!

    And doggoes in the White House!!!!

  2. willwheaten says:

    Yes! I read the list through twice yesterday. Really lightened up my otherwise rainy Monday.

  3. Paywall.

  4. Yep.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Malarkey @1 similar thoughts. Thrilled that the Vice Poodle has been replaced by two authentic dogs. Plus Champ and Major arrived with a real President and First Lady.

  6. AlanInAustin ... says:

    The Audacity of….Competency

  7. My teacher friend in Virginia said January 20 was a great day for complete sentences.

  8. It’s generally a fine morning to wake up (and Im up by 4 most mornings having grown up on a dairy farm) and have the BBC World News Summary (on my local NPR station) have no mention of the US President or US Politics..

  9. Grandma Ada says:

    I read that yesterday and it felt good. This morning when I opened WaPo none of the top stories involved his majesty; they were all about what Biden is DOING! How great to have a President who works at it.

  10. My anger boiling up over minutiae in my life has diminished greatly and my gratitude has increased exponentially.

  11. Sam in Superior says:

    ADD: No more listening to a Trained Ape masquerade as Press Secretary

  12. 45 didn’t have dogs in the WH because he knew that would make him second smartest

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Was thinking about what was coming out of the WH a year ago compared to the period we are in this year, a week into Biden’s 1st 100 days. A year ago, it was lying, denying, Potus gone golfing or going to a rally. The coronavirus erupted and zilch, zero, nuthin from the WH except lying and denying. And it only got worse out of the WH. This year, while things are bad from what happened the past year, we can have confidence that there is a WH with actual work being done to get us through this (despite repugnantican obstructionism). It makes me nauseated to imagine the mess we’d be in if you know who got 4 more years.

  14. There’s probably a lot Jennifer Rubin and I don’t agree on, but I’d love to buy her a cuppa in appreciation of her wit over the past few years.
