The War on Tomato Plants

August 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take a deep breath and start counting up how much this cost the taxpayers of Texas.

There’s a little compound outside of Arlington (think Dallas) that grows its own food on a plot of land about the size of half a football field.

On August 2nd the police show up and say they have information that marijuana is being grown there.  Their source was “a tip” and “aerial surveillance.”  No kidding, they had pictures.

What the police thought was marijuana turned out to be tomato plants.    However, they still felt compelled to uproot most of the crop – including okra and blueberries.  Just to make things look better, the people on the compound were ticketed for being out of compliance with the city code.

Look, we’ve got Dr. Sanjay Gupta going on teevee saying marijuana ain’t all that bad for you and maybe this war on drug thing wasn’t all that smart.

Yes, that certainly look worthy of police intervention.  I see collard greens!

Thanks to Bernard for the heads up.

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