The Verdict Is In

January 10, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, all the woman from the beauty shop are back at the hotel after twittering our little hearts out during the DeLay

Tom DeLay got 3 years in the joint on the first count, 5 years in the joint on the second count, and 10 years probation with
community supervision.

There was lots of fun stuff – including watching Dennis Hastert try to rewrite history – but the very best part was DeLay’s speech at the end right before sentencing.

He whined so much that he had say “I’m not whining,” three different times. If you have to say it that much, you’re whining.

He clutched a Bible in his hands as he told the judge that he wasn’t guilty and blamed Nancy Pelosi, Patrick Kennedy, and Ronnie Earl for all his problems. I’m sure they all three don’t mind.

He said that his wife says that he’s “passionate and arrogant.”  No kidding. He also said he’s raised and spent $10 million for legal fees. I would suggest that most of it was illegally raised. Best of all, he blamed ” the criminalization of politics.” Damn, he invented that! I’m sure that his trying to impeach Bill Clinton over hoochy-koochy was where he learned that. More later – we’re going to celebrate!

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