The Ultimate Distraction: Trump’s Trying to Start a War with Iran

January 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Iran, Traitor, Trump

In a pre-dawn raid, the US just conducted a missile strike at the airport in Baghdad that killed General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds force and the head of the Iraqi militia, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.  Internatonal crude prices are up sharply in the last hour on rumors of war with Iran.

Strap in.  Trump’s trying to start a war with Iran to distract from his problems at home.

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0 Comments to “The Ultimate Distraction: Trump’s Trying to Start a War with Iran”

  1. A New Yorker reporter on Anderson Cooper’s show said that we had a chance to take this guy out before. But the BUSH ADMINISTRATION declined to, because of the fear of destabilizing. The Bush administration. Worried about destabilization.

  2. Trying to distract from impeachment.
    Wonder if the congressional gang of 8 were notified as required by law.
    Demented Donnie is hoping for an outrageous retaliation so he can call on people to “rally around the flag”. Casualties are irrelevant as long as he can inflame people with bloodlust.
    Waiting for joe Biden to come out in support of this action.
    This is an act of war.

  3. Wag the dog all over again.

  4. @K: I hope they keep Biden under wraps until they can convince him that war with Iran is a bad idea.

  5. After you posted El Jefe, I went to Twitter and a few other sites. Trump’s surrogates were already admonishing CNN and other news organizations for their continued impeachment coverage and not switching over to this BIGGER story. Like they need to tell us where the flashing blinking lights are?

  6. Rick:
    Occasionally I go to the fox propaganda network to see what they’re feeding our fellow citizens.
    Stories 1- 4 are about this military strike. No.5?
    “Iraqi official spotted outside embassy attack visited Obama White House in 2011”
    The slimiest thing about it to me was that the story can be read as somewhat balanced, if you put on even slightly repugnantcan shaded glasses. Until you get to the part that mentions Joe Biden and Hillary attended said meeting.
    But as long as impeachment, Ukraine, or quid pro quo are brought up, it’s stars and stripes forever!

  7. Rump did this without the approval of Congress. I think the GOP is going to take a direct hit of the merde coming off the oscillating fan blades. They’re going to own this.

    There will be reprisals and even more acts of violence against US citizens. This could get really ugly…

  8. Papa:
    I’ve got to respectfully disagree. Anybody pre-trump woulda triggered what you’re talking about.
    Not anymore. And I really think there’s a good chance that’ll be true post-trump.
    His base will be ecstatic that the f**k-you-do -what-i-say-or- else approach has produced explosive results for a f**ker that really needed to die. Repugnantcans will gladly own this. And every repugnantcan candidate for the foreseeable future will use this as inspiration. Will probably run on their support of it.
    Until we can start getting folks to quit getting their reality from right-wing propaganda.

  9. Do the mental exercise: if Iran had killed a senior, popular leader of our government….how would we react? How would Fox be reacting… As a talking head said tonight…we are now in a state of war with Iran

  10. To be clear, you’re right, this will get ugly. For us and them.
    My point is that repugnantcans will point to this as proof of their worldview.
    Shutting up now.

  11. Sandridge says:

    This will probably spiral into a nasty trumpmire so fast that we’ll have lines at the gas pumps in a week or two. [I only need a couple of gallon topup, but going to fill a couple of portable jugs too today]

    *** — Another [major] thing: Iran, Russia, and China have recently been holding –joint military exercises– in the region.
    You know, ground, air, naval, G2, C4 type coordination and drills that get them all synchronized and BFF.

    I suspect that the Baghdad embassy dustup may have been designed for the purpose of them all carefully monitoring our own responses, our comms, logistics, tactics, etc., up close.
    Just basic lessons from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”, completely beyond that grasp of the Mango Mussolini.

    Comrade Bonespurs jumping in halfcocked is just a fortuitous crapfest for them. What could possibly go wrong? Just like the Iraq bushmire ~17 years ago, and we’re still stuck on that flypaper/gluetrap…

    Our forces and installations in the ME now have big neon targets on their backs. Wait for an attack on a Navy ship, aircraft shootdown, or bombings of American assets [like a trump tower] in 5-4-3-2…

  12. Biden is who he is. There is no keeping that under wraps. Besides… what happened to letting Joe be Joe?

  13. I see where Nancy is exclaiming that the Golden Gibbon did not have the power to do the raids, especially the one that killed the general. So he should have come before Congress Assembled like afar did? Look at the numbers on the Hill. The Senate has a majority of Republicans. The House has a strong ministry of Republicans. It would come out as a not quite even split between the parties. And hell bells, boys, even if he got a resounding NO he would still have done what he did anyway. After, he is a king, isn’t he?

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    What I find especially bad about this is that we and our allies have complained about the murders/attempted murders outside of Russia by Russia/Russian operatives. One more example of Trump’s do as I say not as I do policy.

  15. Sandridge says:

    Well, guess what, the markets are barely open today and:
    price of crude oil is up ~3.75%,
    gold is up ~1.5%,
    the DJIA [and other indices] are already diving ~0.7-1%, and most global exchanges are moving down too.

    Yeehaaa, here we gooooo!!!

    Compare these two DJIA charts, just the pattern/shape of the graphs. The ‘big one’ may be beginning:

    Dow Jones History Chart from 1920 to 1940 (Great Depression):

    Last decade of DJIA [not sure if link will work OK, if not just select “10Y” or custom/decade:

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    There goes much of the lingering good will with Iran. Fostered by Iranians educated here who returned to Iran, and the Iranian high command. Those in their late 60s and older had at one time trained with American forces. As any baboon other than Pompeo or IQ4.5 would realize, it’s harder to hate those you know. Unless of course irrational ***king morons give them multiple reasons to despise us.

  17. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Who will be the first to demand the House withdraw the articles of impeachment because “we’re at war!”? My money’s on Lindsey Graham.

  18. Just playing devil’s advocate here, but say you’re Iran deciding how best to respond.

    If it were me, I’d hit Trump properties. NYC is probably out but he owns resorts and hotels in some ‘soft’ areas. That’ll really send him round the bend
