The Ultimate Aggie Revenge Against UT

February 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For you people from foreign states, the ultimate college rivalry in Texas is Texas A&M (think Rick Perry) and UT (think Walter Cronkite).

You can also think of Paul Begala when you think of UT.  Begala went after Governor Rick Perry today.  Perry is making strange noises over in the corner about reducing UT from a world class university to a cut-rate McDegree school.

Research is another bugaboo for Perry. He and his supporters say they want academics to spend more time in the classroom, but it is doubtful America would have won World War II or created the Internet without basic research at public universities.

Intriguingly, Perry has called for a $10,000 bachelor’s degree. In the same vein a century ago, another governor, Thomas Riley Marshall of Indiana, proclaimed, “What this country needs is a really good five-cent cigar.” Sure, we need to find ways to reduce tuition. But Perry’s approach would push universities to hire lower-cost and less-qualified instructors, explode class size, and leave faculty members little time for research.

Perry is whining about the cost of a college education and thinks he can reduce that cost by cutting research and top quality professors.  But, that’s not what caused the problem.  Dropping state funding for public colleges year after year after year to save on taxes has sent tuition sky-high.  Perry’s tax cuts are smoke and mirrors.  He simply passes on costs.

Example:  cut funding to state parks and then double the cost of a fishing license.  Then close the state parks, keep the fishing license money to give to your friends to do “cancer” research, which somebody needs to go to jail over, and call it leadership.

Perry is the dumbest man west of anywhere east.  He should not be messing with any university in Texas, much less the flagship school.  But, he’s gonna run for President again because saving money instead of children is a helluva campaign slogan right now.

Full disclosure:  half my family went to UT and half went to A&M.  They all turned out smarter than Rick Perry.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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